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Skins (2007)
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Reviews for Skins

OH FUCK YOU TONY! sid stand up

"I didn’t eat for 3 days so I could be lovely" that line devastated me… Stupid Sid. What the hell is wrong with Tony 😭

i hate that i love sid. also want to protect cassie with my life.

yeah i don’t really like sid

i could write essays about the insane bisexual love triangle that is tony and sid and michelle

Tony sucks ass.

tony rlly was definition messy also forgot how fucking unhinged peter capaldi is in this 😭

i love sid idk why

i want sid’s shirt

Wtf is wrong with Tony?

Tony deserved that slap more i h8 him

cassie :(

oh cassie my beloved…. i love sid too but he really needs to pull his shit together

Ouch, Cassie’s storyline hurts even worse 8 years later.. also I actually didn’t appreciate how funny this show actually is too

He’s a massive prick but Tony is worse

Sid actually lives in oblivion town

all my homies hate tony

Tony my favourite little piece of human garbage<33

Jal really is the MVP of this show

i’ll never sympathise with sid fuck him

sid is getting on my nerves

i can’t help but love tony and kinda feel for sid but mostly for cassie :((

i wish i didn’t but i really love sid tony is insane omg

tony is sooo messy he's kinda one of 2000s tv's Mean girls if we think abt it