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Parks and Recreation (2009)
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Reviews for Parks and Recreation

Might be a bit weaker than previous seasons, but still solid. Had some beautiful moments.

Some really good moments but it felt like they kept trying to end the show in this season😭😭. I'm kind of worried about season 7 now... Like some other sitcoms in later seasons.

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Could’ve ended right here that finale is literally so good wtf

Strong season but feels like they had one foot out the door

It's nice seeing all our characters succeeding at life - marriage, kids, jobs, and general happiness.

i just love this show so much i love hysterical leslie and i aspire to be as insane as her and also i think we all need a ben in our lives. and an andy because omg wow what a little cutie. also i’ve laughed out loud at this show which isn’t so embarrassing because i’m home alone 😌😌😌

I gotta say, this wasn't THE BEST season, unfortunatly, I guess season 4 was its peak, however, all through these 22 episodes I felt like I was reading some kind of a self-acceptence letter...I mean, you mau get beaten up, stepped over, emotionally shattered, but It's like there's always a way out

I would die for Duke Silver

It’s definitely a step up from season five. They went a different route than I expected with Leslie’s city council role which I respect. Some of the main cast being absent for part of the season was unfortunate.

absolutely fantastic ben wyatt i love you forever

Such an amazing season. It may not quite reach the heights of seasons 3&4, but it's still so freaking good. I gave almost every episode this season 4½ stars, and while there aren't many 5's, it's amazing that the lowest is 4½. (I think there was only one episode I gave 4 stars)

not as peak as 3/4, but still good

Undoubtedly the weakest season upon rewatch so far (besides S1 which I didn’t even rewatch), but still so damn good. Some standout moments are Cones of Dunshire, Chris and Anne’s goodbye, Ben and Larry’s friendship, and Ron’s character arc. Season 7 is the only season I haven’t watched more than o

life isn’t the same without ann but this is still family

This show has literally my entire heart I don’t even know what to say anymore, I just wish it had an endless number of seasons😭 Also: Donna should have had more screentime since S1 hell yeah

The finale was probably my favourite episode of the show so far. Sad to see Chris and Ann go, though.

Definitely a dip in quality from the previous seasons but still good. Most of the character arcs were wrapped up well and it felt like the conclusion of the show. I already wrote in my review of the season finale on why I think the show should have ended here so I won’t reiterate what I said. I thin

Honestly was gonna rate this one 4 stars but looking back at the episode list I legitimately took a minute to remember if I even watched some of these episodes, they were that forgettable. I never fully liked Ann and Chris as characters but now that they're gone, I, dare I say, MISS them. So the sh

Season 6 of Parks and Rec has some great standout episodes, but overall I feel that it is not as strong as previous seasons. The main storyline here is that Leslie is being recalled and must make use of her final days on city council. This seasons pushes characters in new directions, yet there is mo

will arnett can see the future

shocked to say this is almost a 4.5 stars?? for a sixth season they’re doing very good and they handled ann and chris leaving really well too. if only the character of jamm didn’t exist…

The positivity from Leslie and this show overall is keeping me going.

first half of this season is strong and consistent but then it starts going up & down. nailed the finale though. gonna be emotional about leslie knope for some time!