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Parks and Recreation (2009)
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Reviews for Parks and Recreation

Better than season 1. Aubrey Plaza and Nick Offerman carrying hard so far. Adam Scott and Rob Lowe are beautiful additions to an already great cast.

andy and april are the ultimate golden retriever bf and black cat gf

Banger Season. The 2nd half of the season was so good. The characters started to become so lovable. Several dynamics were established and this season had so much heart to it. Ron's friendship with Leslie , Ron's like a father figure to April , him and Tom. April's part was incredible too not only ju

oh my god i have not laughed this hard in a while i’m so glad i kept watching past season 1!! some thoughts: -tom is so special to me i feel the need to protect him with my life -the hunting episode had me ROLLING every single second was hilarious -am i… attracted to…. ron swanson????? i’m not su

sooo much better, even the the love triangles are bearable

Took a while but definitely starting to enjoy this show. The addition of Ben and Chris seems like it will make the show better, including removing Mark who never seemed to be an interesting character imo.

why did we let chris pratt become action movie star and not comedy genius!!

i ignore season one and two, but rewatching parks is giving me such a warm hug i love this show so much, every character is so perfect.

april ludgate and ron swanson got me through this season until ben wyatt showed up. cannot believe that i am this obsessed with a white man but yeah ily ben wyatt??

Most underrated season for sure, every episode is basically peak television and y’all should be ashamed for sleeping on it, there I said it

Season two is a big step up from season one, and you can see they are really finding the direction the show wants to go in. A lot of corse correction in the first half of the season, trying to tweak some characters to make them more unique and all fit together as a cast. I think Leslie has the bigge

Much much better, the show really feels like it’s taking its own course without trying to imitate anything, it really feels like it’s own thing. There are very few sitcoms that have achieved this level of chemistry between the cast, the relationships don’t feel forced at all and they advance natural

I really love season 2 of Parks and Rec. The show is still trying to find its full potential, but this season has some fantastic episodes and is a phenomenal improvement over the first season. My main gripe with this season would be that they clearly didn’t know what to do with Mark’s character, whi

ben wyatt i have missed you so dearly i am so deeply grateful that you are back in my life truly the only man ever there are no other men in the world i actually checked and he’s the only one kind of a rocky start but this season is where the show really finds its footing. mark and ann are cute wh

I missed having a sitcom so much 🫶

ANNE! GET OVER HERE! I'm... right here... already

Now that I’m bingeing it, I love it. April and Ron were probably my favourites of this season. And the last 4 episodes were peak sitcom television.

Guessing on the date I like this funny thing

leslie is just like me fr

the season instantly became better the moment ben appeared in the last two episodes <3

This season fucking rocks, I LOVE BEN

though still finding its footing, this was a huge improvement from season 1. the characters and their relationships feel a lot more developed plus the show’s deep-rooted sincerity shines through even in its worse moments. can’t wait to watch more of this!

Properly kicking off the vibe of the whole series, season two includes a few really funny scenarios inside some pretty hilarious bottle episodes. It also reshuffles and restructures some of the characters and relationships around, which makes you think the writers really paid attention to what didn’

this is getting reallyyyy good actually