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Shadow and Bone (2021)
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Reviews for Shadow and Bone

the writers of s2 had 6 books to adapt and a dream

so when’s the crows spin-off

never let the darkling near alina again im so serious


okay here me out this was a mess BUT it was also a 8-course meal for book readers, only the courses arrived in the complete wrong order and 7 years late but we still ate them up because we were famished (they tried to adapt 5 different books in 8 episodes and i really mean 5 books im not exaggeratin

just give the crows their spinoff please

i liked this way more than the first season but they should’ve just given the crows their own show from the beginning because now they just messed up the whole storyline from the books and that makes me kinda mad especially if we’re gonna get a crows spin off like what do you even wanna do for that?


i could write an essay about this season and not in a good way

if i were to critique it, i would say a little less darkling and a little more crows

why did matthias have literally 5 minutes of screen time

the crows must be exhausted since they carried the whole show on their backs

The complaints i have about this show could fill several heavy novels i really wish they just made a faithful soc adaptation instead of this fucked up sewn together frankenstein timeline.. not sure why they think i’d want a spin-off show at all now they’ve half-arsedly smushed a load of the importan

why did they do that

I want to say that I hated it so bad because they changed pretty much everything. S&B storyline was sooooo rushed (haven't read SoC yet but I can tell things from those books were rushed too) that all the emotional moments and revelations didn't have any impact at all. I really wonder why they thoug

want to be happy but i’m a helnik stan

they did nina and matthias SO DIRTY. i can’t believe i waited 2 years for crumbs…

Great everything

this season turned me into a mal and nikolai shipper and i am not ashamed

1st netflix show to be written like it knew it was gonna be cancelled and it shows so badly coherent plot nowhere to be found, random elements blindly taken from the books and thrown into a blender, rushed attempts to develop the characters, god awful editing that was appalling to look at, actors d

there's a lot of things I didn't like about the ending but I will be rewatching so we can get the soc spin off

what do i think? darklina must be endgame

did they have to do my girl Zoya so dirty tho???? also, no i have no mercy for darkling, he can rot. i also don't trust people who hate zoya but like the darkling because......WTF??????

jesper is the best character and i stand by that.