Backdrop poster for Pagan Peak (2019)
Pagan Peak (2019)
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Reviews for Pagan Peak

Good season, nice murder mistery, a police thriller with some neo noir vibes. Although we are presented with the killer's identity very soon, the show still manages to grab us into the story with good storytelling, pacing and likeable characters. Gorgeous cinematography and wide landscape footage

On paper, this season had all the necessary ingredients to be as good as the previous ones, and even closer to what I appreciate most on these types of murder mysteries: Cults, fanaticism, myths, legends... These are all topics that, when well inserted in a good script and surrounded by a constant

Although season 1 doesn't bring anything new to the table, is way above average imo, and season 2 maintained that level, and in some points even surpassed it, and not many shows did that. The mystery, the cinematography, the beautiful landscapes, the darker tone, it's all there again. I will for

Quite rare for a series to keep up with their tempo after a successful first season - but they did it! Excited for season 3!!

dark enough

solid first season, hidden gem of a series

Em transmet unes vibes molt rotllo True Detective, la qual cosa està bé. Crec que els protagonistes són personatges molt carismàtics que es complementen molt bé i la evolució que segueixen a la temporada és molt bona. Tambe destacaria al roín, típic psicòpata calculador i controlador. Un 10 a que K

Die bislang beste Deutsche Serie die ich gesehen habe. Super Geschauspielert, mit einem spannenden Skript und schön visualisiert. Ja manchmal gibt es paar längen und es hätte bei den Morden durchaus expliziter sein können, aber sonst habe ich nicht viel zu meckern. Bislang ist ,,der Pass“ meine Li

Pagan Peak es una serie imprescindible para los aficionados al thriller policial o al nordic noir si lo preferís en el que se inspira. Gracias a la química que transmite la pareja protagonista y a un villano con personalidad propia, la serie creada por Cyrill Boss y Philipp Stennert sabe encontrar s

Very good. Most brutal ending of a season I've ever seen except for maybe The Sopranos. Truly bleak

As a person who relly suffers after finished S1 of True Detective cause i knew that nothing would be godd as that, but comgrattulations to this austrian-german pricks. It's exactly good as the former, but achieves a place togheder that the other seasons of TD couldnt. Really heart warming end, and t

Deutsche Serien können was!

Will there ever be a German show that doesn't fall off less than a season in 😭

muy buena me encantan el personaje del gordo jjejeek

mein neues lieblings piefke + schluchtenscheißer duo

The German True Detective! Epic crime-thriller!

Still solid and dark.

Third season was a bit slow and aimless but managed to tie it all together towards the end. Out of all the True Detective rip offs that came in its wake this one has impressed me the most because it really felt like a tried and true character study and not just "these characters are damaged and fuck

Continuen estant prou bé tant la temporada com els misteris, però crec que a esta temporada ja se'n passen de putejar als protagonistes. Per favor, no ens feu patir tant!!

An absolute disappointment and disaster, Antic, who does not come here, was the most fascinating character and her looming presence even when gone was sidelined for some of the most ridiculous storytelling decisions. Her not being there had a deleterious presence when you consider the change of hear

La veritat que canvia algunes coses de com duien la 1a temporada, però considere que el canvi li senta molt bé. Ací no hi ha cap misteri en l'identitat de l'assassí, han girar tot més a un entramat polític i econòmic que igualment crea molta tensió. Com a punt negatiu, considere que se'n passen mas

German series always managed to leave a huge impression on me, even that this series is not perfect, but the ideas were thrilling, especially Season 2