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RuPaul's Drag Race (2009)
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Reviews for RuPaul's Drag Race

So messy and unhinged but also so iconic

This is definitely when the show started to find it’s footing. I think this is the first season to really have big personalities. Shangela, Manila, Alexis, Raja, Yara are all really really iconic queens. Also this season is kinda so reality trashy which is crazy because it’s never really been like

the sweatshop season

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didn’t finish the season cause i’m not here to watch a group of popular highschoolers bitch around like that

This season took wayyyy to long

The golden age of Dragrace truly started here.

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No one told me how annoying shangela is in this

love this season the 2 filler episodes brought the rating down 😭

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this is so like highschool this whole season i genuinely don’t understand how you can be pushing 40 and acting like that and its just so different from any other season ive seen, so much bullying, transphobic comments, fatphobia like… i do not wanna see more of this and i dont care for most of the p

The top three is the best of all time like so unbelievably good

His season was so boring.



I unfortunately got this season spoiled & knew who was gonna win before I started but I had fun nonetheless

i can’t like this season as much as those before bc everyone was so NASTYYYYYY. heathers vs boogers??? really??? 😭 it was hard to find someone to truly root for, although i knew who was gonna win from episode 1.

carmen carrera for all stars season 10

Not one of my favorite seasons. Weird biased judging and a relatively mediocre group of contestants, and the best one didn’t even win!

oh my god THE longest season with the literal most grueling challenges

Bitches…all of them /pos

Such a good season It took me 5 or 6 days to finish because I’ve been really busy and I wish I could’ve properly binged it in a day or two, but this was really enjoyable So, so, so bitchy and mean 😭 Everyone’s so rude but it was mostly very entertaining and funny to see Untucked was amaaaaaaazing

this crazy ass season