Backdrop poster for Wallace & Gromit's Cracking Contraptions (2002)
Wallace & Gromit's Cracking Contraptions (2002)
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Reviews for Wallace & Gromit's Cracking Contraptions

i almost watched all videos of wallace and gromit, i love them.

Cracking entertainment Gromit! My favourite is definitely Shopper 13, if only for the Shaun the Sheep cameo.

review is also on letterboxd too: for me, wallace and gromit always worked for me more as a 30 minute shorts and feature length films than just little shorts. and i feel this as to why right now this is currently my least favorite wallace and gromit. one of the reasons i love

A great collection of shorts from my favourite iconic duo! 'The Snoozatron' and 'Shopper 13' were my favourites of the lot. Well worth a watch.

Nothing special, but a pretty fun collection of shorts.

É uma série de nove curtas com duração de dois minutos e meio, em média, cada, então, em questão de vinte e dois minutos e meio, aproximadamente, dá pra assistir toda a série. O primeiro é A Máquina de Cartões de Natal, em que o Wallace inventa uma máquina para tirar fotos para cartões de Natal, e o

I could rank each short from weakest to best, but y'know what? I think I'mma do smth a bit more interesting and rank each CONTRAPTION from worst to best. Let's go: 10. Tellyscope – JUST USE A GODDAMN CONTROLLER 9. Soccamatic – More like cheatamatic ahahahaha 8. Snowmanotron – This is why art shou

Another addition to the Wallace and Gromit Filmography and it’s incredible and gives me so much nostalgia. My favourites are: Shopper 13, The Snoozatron and The Soccomatic. YouTube | Limited Series | Ten Shorts |

“Well done, Gromit… but I thought that snowman was abominable!” Have I mentioned yet how much of a riot this franchise is yet?

wallace is very inconsiderate! if i were gromit i’d knock him upside the head!

Cute but these boys thrive in a form longer than 2-3 minute segments so the gags can pile on top of each other. That said, the “Tellyscope” one is my favorite because I could channel-surf with these two all day. Grade: B

"I think I've bent me chube!!"

Pretty fun despite being very short. I love Gromit

Just alright. It’s still Wallace and Gromit so it’s obviously still good but it’s nothing super special compared to what’s come before. Nothing bad nothing amazing. It’s just alright.

Wallace is really inventing everything possible to never have to stand up again.

It has some fun episodes but it's nothing wow. 2 minutes isn't a long time to show of cracking contraptions

Not a single bad episode in sight!

Contraptions be cracking


I personally prefer the longer shorts and the features but Wallace & Gromit are always fun so I can’t go wrong with them.

Workplace relations are, to say, complicated. I’m thinking Gromit may need to unionise.