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S05 E10
Poster for Harley Quinn: Season 5
The Mess Is the Point
Mar 20 2025 • 22m
Harley, Ivy and Sharon team up with Brainiac to save the universe from Lex and Lena's total domination.


S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
15 minutes in and i was thinking what are they going to do in S6 after all? But then we got a simple "remember me?", after a touching possible ending.

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
If this is the finale, will actually kinda miss the show but I’m satisfied if this is it.

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
Hope this isn’t an ending 💔 love this shitty little show

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
live laugh love frankette

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
This felt like a series finale. If that's the case, it's a very decent ending.

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
All of the storylines this season pretty much got concluded! Harley Quinn adventures should continue!

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
man, that ending feels conclusive. if they actually ended the show with this season, that was a pretty sweet ending. if they don't, well, let's just say that we're in for a clean slate of a story!

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
- So, wanna go fuck shit up? - You had me at “wanna go fuck”

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
Daaamnnn. Casi me da un infarto con eso! No esperaba que esto se hiciera tan emotivo,que gusto me dió escuchar a Juan Guzmán como Batman

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
oh thats my family….😭

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
what about harley and ivy's wedding💔💔💔

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
"Well, if it isn't 'Horton Hear's a Who the fuck do you think your talking to?'" - Lena Luthor

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
MY SWEET 😓😓 PEANUTS 😓😓 #BFF’s GFF’s 😓😓 BBYS👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💝 ilove them so much how is this even the season’s finale like wdym I’m not getting new Harlivy content every Thursday 😅😭😭??

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
How about Pizza ?!🥹😭

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
no setup for season 6 is this it for my show 💔

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
Ame muchísimo este final bastante bonito y momento dramático emocionales

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
Very decent and solid final episode. It really ties up the plots shown within this season. Also seeing how they played it safe for the ending (no cliffhanger or buildup), I’m pretty sure this could either be the last season 🐴…which I’m hoping it isn’t. But if it did, it has a great run. IT’S SO G

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
daughter husband lady grandplant this is the future liberals want

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
Fun little season ender. If this does get another season, wonder what they will do.

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
i was fully ready for them all to die and for this show to finally be over

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
You can always count on Superman

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
This review contains spoilers. Click here to see it anyway.

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
eu amo Elas mais q tudo pqp

S05 E10 · The Mess Is the Point
If this ends up getting another season after this I'm reaching for the shotgun