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Killing Eve (2018)
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Reviews for Killing Eve

not allowing my brain to imagine what this season would have looked like in the hands of pwb bc i will have a full scale nuclear meltdown…. anyway. rest in fucking pieces killing eve you meant the world to me at one point


No one’s gonna watch that fucking carolyn spin off i hope she dies

I’ve watched shows with similar endings. Never found it an issue when it’s made for a purpose, something bigger than shock value, but this was so badly written with characters that led to nowhere… (still love my girl Villanelle tho she’s the best)

Bestie wtf was this season?? No answers only questions??? Hello???

choices (bad ones)

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worst one of the lot.


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This show fell off so hard....

This season wasn't bad, but for a final season, it focused too much on random, unnecessary stuff. And the finale felt so rushed and unfinished. To whoever wrote this ending: Screw you. I hope you will never write anything again in your miserable life.

you know what fuck this fucking shit this is the most horrible unsatisfying ending in the history of television. it's actually quite homophobic as well. fuck you fuck you FUCK YOU. this whole season sucks ass and i had to sit through EIGHT long ass episodes to get like what? three scenes of eve and

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we dgaf about the 12… they should’ve just given us a 6 hour villaneve makeout scene

fuck everybody involved in this show you ruined everything

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i have some thoughts.. (1) this entire season was absolute garbage. unnecessary side plots (gunn? what was the use of pam? literally contributed nothing except for killing konstantin for who i don’t care about in the first place.) and BARELY focused on the two main characters! so much for the enti

laura neal never pick up a pen again

what the actual fucking fuck was that

it had its ups and downs and then it was soaring and then it literally fell into the pits of hell

Ummm what the actual fuck? Killing Eve? More like kill me now.

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