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S04 E10
Poster for Snowfall: Season 4
Fight or Flight
Apr 21 2021 • 48m
Franklin's family fractures. Teddy makes a difficult decision. Gustavo chooses a new path.


S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
Easily best of the season

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
My heart was racing the entire runtime, just up and down. You think it’s gonna be alright and then BAM, it drags you straight back into the pits of hell. I’m at a loss for words. I can get into spoilers but this is just one of those episodes you HAVE to watch on your own. Brilliant finale, brillian

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
10/10 TOP 20 Episode OAT

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
So much could’ve happened but didn’t. Kinda underwhelming

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
Damson idris not being nominated for an Emmy should be considered a war crime 10/10 finale, Franklin reborn

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
This is the episode that reminds you just how evil every single character has become by this point

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
That shootout scene was fucking perfect, the way the tension just kept getting higher and higher. Having it be side-by-side with the hospital scene was an amazing decision, elevated the tension to a whole new high. Manboy was right last episode, Jerome and Franklin’s dynamic next season is going to

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
Not a rewatch but I’ll be finishing snowfall this weekend (fr this time) and after that I’m gonna be replaying the silent hill games to just be prepared for the sh2 remake coming out hopefully soon. So it’ll be origins -> sh -> sh2 -> sh3 and then the room or silent hill 4. Also hot take, James Sund

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
9.9/10. Damn. This is the best season finale so far and one of the greatest of all time.

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
Possibly the shows best episode. Ties up so much and sets up so much for the future. Loved Elton this episode. The acting is just stupidly good. Franklin is pure evil now too, it's insane we have a character that is this far gone as a protagonist. It's like governor and Light levels of evil

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
9.6/10 such a fitting title, that was the ultimatum of ultimatums and its crazy how it even forces the viewer into one too. its a constant and unpredictable drama, it plays with ur emotions ruthless & it sticks with meaning of previous dialogues. i will not go much further into it, because this is

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
Perfect finale to easily the best season of the show so far The standoff scene was insane

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
Peak finale top 3 of the show so far

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
so peak

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
idk why ts rated higher than sleeping dogs

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
Oh my god oh my god holy shit holy shit 10/10 ep This > 2x10 “Goodbye Mel”

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
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S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
Rating is a lil too high but still a great episode Franklin still not telling Mel the truth on her dad is him still denying that he is a bad person. He still considers himself someone with a meaningful purpose and a giver to the community, he continues to turn his head away from the consequences of

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
Amazing finale. The amount of change Franklin went through in these past four seasons is crazy.

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
Perfect conclusion to this season, First half was really intense

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
Oh my goddddddddd I’ve seen some mixed reviews of this episode and I don’t know why at all. Think this genuinely might be a top 10-20 episode of all time for me

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
Top 3 episode of the show so far. Fucking amazing.

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
Awesome conclusion to the season, such an exhilarating and intense finale. So much came into fold and there’s so much more that’s left to uncover and I can’t wait for it in the next season!!!

S04 E10 · Fight or Flight
This review contains spoilers. Click here to see it anyway.