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Snowfall (2017)
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Reviews for Snowfall

Very high 4 Best season yet imo. Last 4 were some of the best in the show and had some crazy shocking and well made moments. Just had about 5 low 4 star episodes so that’s what is making me resist giving this a 4.5 Next season best of the show?

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I have so much admiration for how much S3 builds off of the foundation S2 set up for the rest of the show. This season was so conscious of making sure S2’s impact really influenced Franklin. At some point during S3, I realized how everything Franklin does here is directly because of the impact of th

Another absolutely enthralling season of Snowfall, the show took to crazy new heights and built upon existing and new storylines with insane velocity. Episode 7-9 is (for me) the greatest 3 episode run of all time on any show, a soul destroying triple. So beautifully written, so flawlessly execute

9.7/10 S2 >= S3 >> S1 Another peak season from this show and probably a top 5 S3 oat Top 3 Episodes 1. Blackout 2. Pocket Full Of Rocks 3. Hedgehogs

Another really great season. S2 > S3 but this season was still amazing. Loved the stuff with Andre and seeing how Franklin’s drugs effected the community The stretch from ep 7-10 was so good as well and i actually liked the season finale Top 3 Episodes 1. Hedgehogs (3x8) 2. Pocket Full of Rocks

2nd best season as of now Top 3 episodes 1. Blackout 2. pocket full of rocks 3. hedgehogs

Not as good as season 2 but still great. Loved Andre’s character development in this season and the last episode closed it out very well. Not too much to say about it overall though 🤷🏼‍♂️

A amazing s3 no doubt in my mind, I’ve heard 4 is one of or arguably the best season so I’m hyped asf, will be staring that tomorrow 9.5/10 season

This season was fucking great. Could honestly be a 9 and I wouldn’t get mad. Top 3 episodes: 1. Blackout 2. Hedgehogs 3. Pocket Full of Rocks 8.5/10

Best season yet quite easily. That second half was utterly insane. Franklin has easily cemented himself as one of the best developed protagonists in just 3 seasons. The show is like the best of breaking bad and GTA V mixed together.

Man this season was great. The first 6 ep I can’t lie we’re rly slow imo and I wasn’t rly feeling it but now i could say it was worth the build up this last 4 ep stretch was amazing. If the first half of this season was as good it’d easily be a 4.5 but regardless it was still great. I loved how Andr

I don’t know if this season is better than Season 2 or not, I don’t think so but it’s definitely close. I feel like the biggest strength of this season is that, even though Season 2 has the best single episode, Season 3 has the better 4-episode peak but Season 2 is way more consistent throughout the

,,change‘‘ is the word/theme that i would choose, if had to describe this season with one word, i thought consequences was only strong in the previous season, but damn, this had no chill. it’s common now that franklin knows how to develop, but the different personal states was the cherry on top, esp

Fantastic third season! Very low 4.5 This season starts off with an amazing opener, where it sets things up for the rest of the season. However the two episodes that follow it are not the best & definitely the worst of the season. But the cast & crew cooked and picked things back up, where they exe

Another absolutely incredible season, I can’t even fathom to think if this show just gets even better from s4 onward…how’s that even possible at this point, this has potential to be one of my favourite shows ever, maybe even top 5 👀 Top characters of the season 1) Franklin 2) Reed 3) Andre 4) Leo

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A great season even tho the second half CARRIES like crazy The decision to focus more on Mel’s dad and his relationship with Franklin was fantastic, from his POV we see how Franklin can be seen as the bad guy. Franklin is so caught up in his pride and greed he doesn’t stop and look around to see ho

Peak S3 S2 >= S3 >>> S1

OVERALL SEASON RATING - 86% TOP 3 CHARACTERS: 1. Franklin Saint 2. Mr. Wright 3. Leon TOP 3 EPISODES: 1. Blackout | 3x09 2. Other Lives | 3x10 3. Pocket Full Of Rocks | 3x07 Around the same quality as season two but a little better.

this shit got better every season top 3 episodes 1. 3x10 2. 3x8 3. 3x7

9.6/10 First episodes were kinda slow, but the last 4-5 ones were Just Amazing, the peaks in this season were higher than the ones in the previous season so Imma have this over season 2. Top 3 episodes: 1) hedgehogs (ep 8) 2) blackout (ep 9) 3) pocket full of rocks (ep 7) Top 3 characters: 1) Fr

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