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Goblin (2016)
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Reviews for Goblin

Changed the trajectory of my life forever. My favorite show of all time and the best kdrama I’ve ever seen

i’ll never be able to blow out a candle without thinking of this show.

never cried like this before

I would’ve rated it higher if they didn’t take so long to age her up.

finishing a show and feeling so empty after is not new to me but i HATE this this show had me giggling one second and crying the next ESPECIALLY DURING THOSE LAST FEW EPS happy ending for all but wtf happened to deok hwa my bby

gong yoo is the hottest man to ever come out of korea. i really liked the pacing and the way the show approached subjects such as grief and karma. however the ending climax was a bit rushed for me, especially with the way they just kept dying and coming back?!

if the show was solely about the second couple it would've been 5 stars.

REAL ROMANCE. That’s all.

two dilfs at work

This show will fix your life, your skin and give you something to obsess over for the next few months, and if your entire existence isnt perfect by then, looking at Gong Yoo in an overcoat and turtleneck sweater for 16 straight episodes will do the job effortlessly. It is absolutely phenomenal and

she's so lucky having both fine ahh men protecting her


first kdrama i ever watched and it altered the chemistry of my brain forever

love shouldn't hurt like that, should it?

best kdrama of all time actually

i will never be the same.

i've never loved a group of people more than a hyperactive goblin, his sunshine bride and a grim reaper in dire need of a hug

the whole age thing made me uncomfortable but i loved goblin grim reaper interactions and also the entire romance btwn him and sunny

profoundly sad. i’ll be sad forever

this motivated me to get a bf way older than me

The first Korean serie I watched ughh >

I can’t count the times I cried so hard watching this. Also, I lost the love of my life today so I am crying twice much than before while watching Goblin.

This is the most beautiful, creative and well written kdrama that has ever existed!! A MASTERPIECE! A WORK OF ART!!!

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