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Lucifer (2016)
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Reviews for Lucifer

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
chloe and lucifer mean the world to me

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
This might be one of my favourite episodes of the show, I love these kinda bottle episodes where the focus is the characters and their development and relationships

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
It's start to feel like the end

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
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S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
Such a great episode Started crying at the compilation of Luc/Chloe why am I so emotional

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
i really really loved this episode. i’ll always appreciate when final seasons actual take the time to look back and acknowledge how much the characters have grown🥺

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
A recap episode but a really good one with some story elements sprinkled through to really show the character development throughout the show. Especially from Lucifer's side.

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
The exaggerated "flashbacks" are quite funny, and it's a solid character piece, exploring Dan's guilt, and Ella finding out the truth. It's just extremely boring, this whole ordeal for Lucifer's wings.

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
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S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
Favourite episode of the season, if not the show. I just love when directors make edits of the main couple, cause yeah I would do the same. Deckerstar has all my heart. And I really hope Lucifer doesn't leave, only two episodes left but all I want is a happy ending.

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
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S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
i would nominate myself to be god but i don't really have a god complex nor what it takes to be god

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
They had 3 episodes of ideas for the last 10 episodes.

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
atp stop the show + I feel bad for my baby Ella

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
Ella couldn’t have been any worse this episode.

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
banger deckerstar episode, terrible writing still

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
bok gibi bölüm olmuş

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
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S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
I really liked the acting out the book glad Ella finally knows and is dealing with it

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
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S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
linda writing a book about them gave the same energy with dan in gossip girl

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
Yes, 3 arcs de personnages détruits en un seul échange rendant une série entière insatisfaisante, spam de flashbacks inutiles pour jouer la nostalgie des dernières saisons, f you

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
Love these kinds of one-setting episodes in television, where everyone’s together, sharing space and emotional clarity.

S06 E08 · Save the Devil, Save the World
rory deserves the biggest hug