This might be one of my favourite episodes of the show, I love these kinda bottle episodes where the focus is the characters and their development and relationships
i really really loved this episode. i’ll always appreciate when final seasons actual take the time to look back and acknowledge how much the characters have grown🥺
A recap episode but a really good one with some story elements sprinkled through to really show the character development throughout the show. Especially from Lucifer's side.
The exaggerated "flashbacks" are quite funny, and it's a solid character piece, exploring Dan's guilt, and Ella finding out the truth. It's just extremely boring, this whole ordeal for Lucifer's wings.
Favourite episode of the season, if not the show. I just love when directors make edits of the main couple, cause yeah I would do the same.
Deckerstar has all my heart. And I really hope Lucifer doesn't leave, only two episodes left but all I want is a happy ending.
Yes, 3 arcs de personnages détruits en un seul échange rendant une série entière insatisfaisante, spam de flashbacks inutiles pour jouer la nostalgie des dernières saisons, f you