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The Last Ship (2014)
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Reviews for The Last Ship

no cause like why did they think that killing one of their best characters was okay???

not perfect but i liked it

that was an okay finale but it should have ended after season 2, tho the plot twist was good, ilk give them that

Very good, not a "what goes wrong this week" show, but has solid plot.

Cool concept decent execution I like it so far

6/15/24 - 6/16/24

6/16/24 - 6/19/24

6/16/24 - 6/21/24

6/16/24 -6/24/24

Average military-end of world show.

La propagande de la marine américaine aura jamais autant marché sur moi, juste dommage d'avoir pousser la série à 5 saisons alors qu'une 3ème de conclusion aurait largement suffi

Not too bad at all

Decent show, gets a bit weird at times but still quite interesting, my favorite thing about it is that they don't shy away from killing important characters either, good stuff would recommend.

Another Underrated show, I enjoyed it

Got kinda weird but I'll allow it, hopefully it doesn't get worse in subsequent seasons.

Yeah no it's gotten too weird now I don't see how they can possibly do 2 more seasons

Okay I have to hand it to them, they didn't make it terrible and they found a was to keep it going in a somewhat interesting way. Not perfect but still decent.

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It was a great watch and an emotional rollercoaster. It connects with you after a few episodes. The show's pacing is a bit condensed and the layers just feel like a wrap-up thing. They kept milking the series ngl.

Better season than the previous one and this show really went out with a bang by portraying a full on war! Few times this season has had me thinking that this would never be possible but I guess this war did happen off the back of two insane worldly events. Finale was epic and did a great job of w

Was soll ich sagen? Vielleicht hat mich die Serie im falschen Moment auf dem falschen Fuss erwischt, aber mir fällt angesichts dieser ersten Staffel leider nur ein wirklich prägnantes Wort ein: LANGWEILIG! Ja, “The Last Ship” ist von der Idee her voll im Trend, dabei deutlich realistischer und mehr

Better than it has any right to be, until it isn’t After a string of seeing The Last Ship pop up in actor resumes I figured I’d give this 2014 series a shot. Concluding two fully years before Covid would hit, there are times in the early seasons when the story being told is strangely prophetic. But