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S03 E14
Poster for Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Season 3
Karen Peralta
Feb 2 2016 • 22m
Amy gears up to meet Jake's mother on his birthday, but the celebration takes an unexpected turn. New body cameras prove embarrassing for Boyle.


S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
Terry: Before we do anything else, are your body cams turned on? Rosa: Why are you so obsessed with these things? It's like your stupid babies all over again. Terry: My babies are not stupid. Cagney can write a lowercase L. Rosa: It's just a line, right?

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
if i was in an escape room with jake i would simply stay trapped

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
I don’t trust Jake’s dad; no one should…

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
Dad had sex with my turtle??????

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
i feel you jakey 🤘🏼 amy is so cuteeeee

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
Scully being useful!!??

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
kinda hate jake’s mom for this ngl but obv hate his dad the most<3

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
"Okay, I'm now gonna say something that will make you super turned on, but I need you to remember that we're in a work environment. Do you want me to quiz you?" Gosh, Jake and Amy are so cute AAAAAAAAAAA

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
amy is the cutest human being ever

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
Shhhhhh not a doctoooor

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
amy is such a cutie 🥰

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
Awww Amy trying so hard to lighten the mood

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
Boyle plotline was a bit weak but the Jake plot was fantastic. The escape room plotline was also very interesting. It was really interesting to see Scully and Hitchcock actually be useful and have to work together with both Holt and Gina. As for Jake’s plotline, it’s complicated. Definitely a weird

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
protective jake 🥵

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
god amy is so adorable

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
My poor Jake!!!!!!!!!! Stop I love him sm

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
Boyle has scarred me for life

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
amy is really great <333

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
I don’t get the low ratings for this one. Every storyline was firing on all cylinders! This season is so good!

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
"Dad had sex with my turtle?!"

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
Always good to see Hitchcock and Scully show some signs of life

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
amys so cute 🥺🥺🥺

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta
attorney: "how do we know those were drugs? please back that tape up." charles: "no! objection!" judge: "on what grounds?" charles: "that's my penis?" judge: "overruled."

S03 E14 · Karen Peralta