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S01 E08
Poster for Naruto: Season 1
The Oath of Pain
Nov 21 2002 • 24m
With Kakashi captured, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura must defend against Zabuza's attacks. Naruto realizes that working together with Sasuke may be the only way to save Kakashi. Will the combined effort of the two be enough to free Kakashi and defeat Zabuza?


S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
I'm torn on this ep, as it had potential to be the best so far, but It had a few issues holding it back from being anything more than a 3.5. Zabuza's goal is to kill the old man, and he's in a perfect situation where Kakashi is out of play, and he can send his water clone to finish the kids. Why wo

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
Naruto already better than Luffy Base form 😪🤧 @Lavender_Tea @Mirza_Man

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
Sakura npc

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
They really drawn out this episode as much as they could omg 💀 Literally nothing happened except Kakashi getting caught and Naruto getting his confidence back.

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
is sakura just there to provide the occasional commentary 😭😭

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
Of course this anime is 220 episodes long, if the villain starts yapping instead of whipping out the Dragonslayer/Buster Sword and obliterating these kids. Also, Nobara Kugisaki >>>>>> Sakura Haruno. @Lavender_Tea @Badasshonk @BraedenLlama

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
This episode was probably my favourite so far. It had some absolutely great moments but realistically they should've swapped around the bad guys backstory and Naruto gaining the courage to face him if they had done that id have rated this a 8.5 but they didn't so 8/10. Is Sakura really just gonna

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
sakura is so useless

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
Sakura really doin nothin to help

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
That was actually pretty cool

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
I love Sakura's lack of energy, go girl give us nothing

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
These fights are great, you never know what the next move is going to be.

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
That was a good plan

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
naruto and sasuke complete each other, they are the balance

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
This show is so goddamn good. Continues the battle. The sensei gets caught in a water trap after he tries to hide. So the scary evil demon man goes after the students, easy pickins for him. Naruto and Sasuke have to work together and combo up to defeat this dude. So much of a cliffhanger gotta watch

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
Starke Technik von Naruto und Sasuke. Zabusa ist übrigens sehr underrated als Charakter

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
windmill of shadows🔥🔥 the naruto sasuke link up😮‍💨 not kakashis finest episode to say the least

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
Believe it

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
This is the first great Naruto/Sasuke team up, thankfully this arc is full of them

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
DIOSSSS este es mi episodio favorito hasta ahora, me encanto. Por cierto sigo pensando que sakura solo esta ahi para poner cara de asustada y soltar comentarios entre peleas

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
Es que Kakashi deidad

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
That teamwork moment was fire!!🔥I did not expect Naruto to be the Shuriken and attack back......👌

S01 E08 · The Oath of Pain
Big brain combat techniques. 💯