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S05 E15
Poster for Lost: Season 5
Follow the Leader
May 6 2009 • 43m
Jack and Kate find themselves at odds over the direction to take to save their fellow island survivors, Locke further solidifies his stance as leader of "The Others," and Sawyer and Juliet come under scrutiny from the Dharma Initiative.


S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
Why kate had to ruined that Sawyer and Juliet moment damn it

S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
8.5/10 Hurley literally called it. I couldn’t stop laughing when the president question came up 😭😭. I just realized something Desmond didn’t contribute shit this season from what I can remember wow that’s annoying.

S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
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S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
Great episode but this is just a buildup episode tho fr. John Locke’s character development is insane and now bros reaching the limit. I wanna see where the hydrogen bomb storyline will go to and these final 2 eps are going to be INSANE.

S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
Sawyer is Soo good this season

S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
I have to give it to locke. he consistently makes the decision that wouldn’t even cross my mind if I were in his situation. truly dedicated to chaos and keeping his word

S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
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S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
This was a great episode leading up to the season finale. I really liked some of the changes that happened to some of the characters, especially Jack who now has complete faith in destiny and how Ben was positioned as the old Locke who could only stand still, wonder, and follow orders. I have no ide

S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
Sawyer was so goated in this season. Sayid's entry is always peak! I don't know what the writers are doing with Kate's character. John Locke is the real OG!

S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
so far this season has been nothing but underrated even tho 5A is better i can’t lie and say that 5B isn’t good cause it is 9.1/10

S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
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S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
Can Kate just leave sawyer and Juliet alone

S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
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S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
great set up for the finale, i’m excited to see how this’ll play out

S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
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S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
Great setup for the season finale ~Solid-high 4/5

S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
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S05 E15 · Follow the Leader

S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
8.5/10 I haven’t stopped talking about how much I love Sawyer this season, but I think John Locke is dethroning him as the best character. Now that he’s fully open with his planning, he’s unreal. He’s so smart yet still mysterious, even while being transparent, and his dynamic with Ben remains abso

S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
Dr. Chang, Jacob, and Richard are so fucking interesting, it’s crazy. So much shit is going down rn and I’m absolutely loving it. When Hurley got asked who is the president I actually bursted out laughing. I’m so hyped for the finale. High 4.

S05 E15 · Follow the Leader

S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
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S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
I’m so confused but this is still really good. Imma give a crazy prediction and I’m calling that “Jacob” is actually John Locke.😱🙏🏻 (might be the worst guess known to mankind but ig we’ll see)

S05 E15 · Follow the Leader
Pretty cool setup for finale