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Lost (2004)
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Reviews for Lost

“how can you read?” “my mother taught me” 😭

Ts got me reminiscing about the pilot, finally back to the good stuff. I like how they explained how everyone returned because they could’ve easily just not have used the flashback. Idk why but it was so funny seeing jin get out the van. Rlly excited for next episode

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they are back, im interested with how the writters gonna pull this last 2 season.

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I was thoroughly entertained throughout this whole episode and i’m really liking this season so far.

Arguably the most underrated ep oat

Chat, are we back?

back to the beginning 9.2/10

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Underrated, really enjoyable. 9/10


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"316" was a very interesting episode imo, as it paid a lot of homage to the series' "Pilot" episode. From the initial scene that opened with Jack waking up in the middle of the forest, the Oceanic Six reuniting in a plane that was similar to the first time it crashed only different in some parts (Sa

Low 4.5, we are so back.

And they're back again This feels so nostalgic, remembered the opening scene.

Obviously a really good ep, loved all the call backs to the pilot but I think this is slightly overrated, imo the worst ep of the season so far but still really good. Super excited for next ep it looks amazing 8.5

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"Who cares" This is quite literally the pilot but expanded upon. It still worked really well however, I am finding myself liking Jack more recently, I've never particularly cared about him but this episode did a great job on making me feel bad for him. They could never make me hate Ben, gotta give

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Pilot 2.0 but very good

Im loving this season so far ~Solid-high 4.5/5

"Who cares?" Ben is the real sigma. This episode felt like a parallel to the pilot episode because some shots are similar, and they are all on a plane together. I think the mystery is unfolding slowly but I would like to be surprised again. The ending caught me off guard!

Such an underrated ep, I loved this so much. John's letter was amazing and Jack waking up as a parallel to the first scene in the pilot was incredible. Final scene with Jin was also amazing. Medium 4.5/5