Rory is annoying, why can’t lorelai and luke just get together why do I have to wait, pls what is this between lorelai and Richard’s business partner
- the way rory’s like “I was just giving an honest opinion! what did I do wrong?😢” like newsflash you can give honest feedback without calling someone a hippo 🤯 - OH SHE’S SO ANNOYING
- booooo! digger is so lame and such a boring love interest, sorry!
Everyone is so mean this episode and for what. Also, I'm begging. Please please please have Rory stay at Yale for more than 20 minutes. Like actually. There's so much material there and it's being absolutely squandered for crap episodes about...pretending to be paintings?
YIKES RORY!!! is it just me or is rory just not that good of a writer if her only successful article is one that publicly bashes and fatshames a girl??? 😳 like reality tv is definitely entertaining but its not high quality television
“it’s avril lavigne’s world and we’re just living in it.”
i could write a whole essay on this episode and how it gave rory the means and the tools and the confidence to become exactly the person her mom warned her about and to go forward with no regard on how her actions effect other people which