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The X-Files (1993)
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Reviews for The X-Files

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
"You're my one in five billion" I know it's established why Mulder can't be fired from the FBI but Jesus christ imagine the media frenzy of an FBI agent breaking into someone's house and pulling a gun out on some random person. Great episode though! Love the monster design and the hostage situation

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
more like folie d'un, the madness I share with myself over mulder saying "you're my one in five billion"

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
Bro Mulder NEEDS to be fired from the FBI💀 He should’ve been fired before the series even began he’s literally crazy

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
it's actually very surprising that we're 5 seasons in and only now mulder has been put in a mental hospital

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
Mulder and Scully did in fact in the end match each other’s freak.

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
why’d i watch the scary bug episode in my dark house at 2 am. why

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
not only did the local police endanger everybody in that hostage situation by calling mulder’s phone (why does nobody ever listen to scully?) but to have mulder tied to the bed and drugged against his will was so uncalled for. however, i’m not surprised he got himself admitted into a mental hospital

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
YOURE MY ONE IN FIVE BILLION????? omg … do you think he amends that statement to scully everytime we hit a new billion

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
"you're my one in five billion" what if i died right here right now

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
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S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
yes joker and harley

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
What a creepy little episode. A solid freak of the week with some great face acting from our man Duchovny.

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
“you’re my one in…five billion” they are so insane for that

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
“Called out of my basement warren” lowkey I love that “I’m monster boy right” lmao man is not having a great time Mulder about to be shot always makes him so hot for some reason Get outta there Mulder please Crying at this lady calling Mulder a madman LMAO Is he in a mental hospital that’s so funn

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
Wait, that's it? They didn't explain anything. I demand a part two. Mulder trying to convince Skinner about the giant bug man right behind him, even pulling his gun out was too funny.

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
a good old fashioned horror episode! i loved this one and felt legitimately creeped out throughout it at all. can’t wait for the finale!

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
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S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
“you’re my one in five billion.” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
this happened to my buddy fall out boy

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
“you’re my one in five billion.” WHAT IF I CRY AND JUMP OFF A BUILDING

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
“You’re my 1 in 5 billion” I can’t take these two anymore

S05 E19 · Folie à Deux
Capitalist telemarketers are bugs that turn people into zombies? Sure. Could've been better. Scully saves madman Mulder.