Harry TODO sequelado quase falecendo e ainda querendo respostas, essa daqui é mto loca e senti mta raiva da percy as vezes (apesar de amar a personagem
Me parece un gran ejercicio narrativo estructurar una historia de manera desordenada para que el impacto de sus revelaciones sea mucho mayor. Esta serie ha sabido cómo hacerlo desde su comienzo, en dónde el crímen principal se convierte en un rompecabezas que poco a poco se va desmarañando.
Me gus
even though it didn’t quite click all of its winding, twisting threads together, this was still a really interesting mystery yarn to unwind, all held together by alice kremelberg’s incredible performance as this guilt-ridden, tortured soul. this series created an incredible atmosphere for its murder
Story is interesting (which is why I watched all the episodes) but Bill Pullman's smirk... well... that's the only expression you'll get out of him. He's furious? Smirk. He's sad? Smirk. He's worried? Smirk. He's drowning? Smirk.
Ähnliches Niveau wie in Staffel 3. Setting hat wieder gepasst und Bill Pullman spielt diese Rolle einfach toll. Aber irgendwie geht mittlerweile der Drive verloren. Die Handlung führt lang auf die falsche Fährte. Gefühlt hat man die Staffel irgendwie voll bekommen müssen.
Blessed with gold-fish memory, I obviously do not remember detailed stories of previous seasons. But I do remember that I have watched all three earlier seasons and liked the first one the most. Nevertheless, The Sinner is structured as an anthology series that investigates one specific strange crim
Bordeando la mediocridad. Empieza bien, con una premisa interesante y la siempre agradecida presencia de Bill Pullman embutido en el inspector (retirado) Harry Ambrose. Tiene a su favor una especie de Macguffins que representan a distintos personajes, historias personales de la víctima con ellos. Es
This season was a definite improvement from season three and I actually liked the emotional story pieces carrying over from season three to four.
Frances Fisher as the matriarchal Meg Muldoon and Alice Kremelberg as Percy were both great. Neal Huff and Michael Mosley as the two Muldoon brothers we
I like the whole retired detective thing but the mystery is a bit weak and the people in the town are not the best, no one’s nice at all and everyone is rude.
Топовий сезон, серіал продовжує тримати свою марку — неспішний, трошки містичний детектив, Біл Пулман круто відігрує свою роль, сюжетні лінії поволі розкручуються і в кінці сезону зовсім по-іншому сприймаються події, які запустили його хід.
Una buena última temporada, algo enrevesada, pero se resuelve bien. Mantiene ese suspense constante en el aire tan característico, que se ve muy favorecido por el entorno de esta cuarta parte. Supera la mala sensación que dejó la 3ª.
this show is always slightly frustrating to watch because the amount of threads to follow each episode is just…absolutely insane. somehow they manage to tie up every single loose end though, and the satisfaction of that is just chefs kiss. the way horror elements are consistently mixed in always mak