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S15 E02
Poster for Bob's Burgers: Season 15
Saving Favorite Drive-In
Oct 6 2024 • 22m
When the Belchers visit the local drive-in, Bob comes up with a plan to save the theater from closing. Meanwhile, Linda accidentally insults another mom while on a group text chain, and Louise and Gene hide from Tina after stealing some of her favorite candy.


S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
bob’s nostalgia episodes are my fav

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
I wish we had drive-ins around where I live. Another fun episode!

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
Incredibly sweet episode. I love seeing Bob reflect on a nice memory and care enough to preserve the drive in.

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
I would’ve been young Bob’s friend I think

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
Pretty good episode that explores a part of Bob's nostalgic childhood. Drive-in theaters are so underrated. I also like the subplot with Louise and Gene eating Tina's candy behind her back. I also realized that Ramona, the girl Bob met at the drive-in when he was a kid, is voiced by Paulina Alexis,

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
this was so sweet, i went to the final showing for my local drive in and it was so sad knowing a place i used to go to when i was younger was being turned into factories :(

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
that nostalgia will always get you

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
Sweet episode. I love seeing Bob's childhood.

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
bob wanting to save the drive-in not because of his love for theatre but because of how precious his memories are of the place is lovely. he also actively tries to solve the issue by getting the sign fixed, passing around napkin petitions, and setting up a fundraiser. it’s unfortunate that such a co

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
i really love seeing bits of bobs past

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
paulina alexis i knew that was you!! girl what are you doing here

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
Such a cute episode. It felt so cozy for fall especially with the drive in plotline. Kinda makes me hopeful for the rest of the season.

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
Bob is having an EXPERIENCE

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
they released this episode on my birthday as a gift btw

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
bob is so me, i wanna go to a drive in!!!

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
I love young Bob

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
Bob’s subplot is giving real nostalgia feels.

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
I love bob episodes

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
now i’m imagining when i was a kid and ate one too many popsicles and lied when asked about it. something going away doesn’t necessarily mean we leave the memories behind 💞.

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
Little Bob is so cute

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
so sweet 🥺

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
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S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
i need more of bob as a teenager 🥹 also the end was so cute with them watching the movie

S15 E02 · Saving Favorite Drive-In
bob nostalgia episode <3 <3