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Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (2006)
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Reviews for Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

as a great man once said this series is a car crash that somehow managed to park perfectly

Code fucking Geass. It does NOT matter if you’ve seen spoilers for this show. It still hits deeper than you could ever imagine. I actually see why people see it as the greatest anime oat. For me? No, not the best. It’s in my T10 though! And Lelouch, the hype around him is DESERVED. A T10 protagonist

The first half of this season is only decent. Nothing special happens and it made me believe that it was incredibly overrated. However, once I made it to episode 13 I realized I was wrong. Ep13-25 is PEAK FICTION. I don’t give a fuck. This is one of my favorites season 2s oat and one of my favorite

top 3 anime oat deserves to be rated way higher on here lelouch goat anime protagonist

Good season but nothing amazing yet. Enjoyable which is good. But I expected more if I'm being honest, short review as it's 4am and I gotta watch the s2 opener quickly before I go to bed. Top 3 Eps: 1. Zero - 9.3 2. Bloodstained Euphy - 9.2 3. At Least with Sorrow - 9.1 Top 3 Characters: 1. Lel

A decent, consistent season that was carried by the insane protag. The final 4 episodes were insane though and have hopefully set up a better season 2.


What a great story, but imo this is one of the most overrated animes ever, still great tho and lelouch one of the best characters oat with peak conclusion.

It's probably at a very similar level to season 1 which just shows the consistency levels this season had. It didn't reach the heights that I thought it'd consistently reach throughout the whole season but the ending was obviously one of the highest peaks in TV and that's fine for this show's reputa

I heard many people say that season two the same as season one, but this its not close, season two so much better than season one, every character in season two have better development, depth, dialogues, lelouch in this season so good, suzaku also get better so much also the final arc one of best st

Decent first season The last 4 eps saved it

Definitely an insanely consistent show and basically the definition of an average of 4 stars across the board. Lelouch carries insanely hard but that's fine when he's written and concluded so perfectly. Overall, nothing too special but of course the finale is one of the best ever and leaves an insan

this shit so peak, a friend recommended me this show at first i thought wouldn't be that good, but the second half (season one) got me so hard, i really enjoy watching code geass, some inconsistency in the first half (season one) and same in season two but the final arc in both season its like 5/5

Spoiler free Really good anime, expected way more but it's still great and it's quite fun. As I've mentioned before Lelouch 100% carries this show on his back. He's one of my favourite protagonists in tv but sadly I can't say anything close to that to any other character in the show apart from Suza

First half didn't seem that great, but second half literally saved this show for me, great season.

Insane season. Started of pretty good and it’s been a pretty consistent season but the last couple episodes are just so insane that they carry the whole season. I’m sick rn so I’ll probably finish S2 tmrw since imma watch a lot. A top 10 season 1 imo and I look forward too seeing more. Top 5 Chara

Really good season so much better than S1. 3/3 5 stars from this show come from this season and ep 21 is incredible and ep 25 is a masterpiece. Lelouch and Suzaku are at their best and it's just better in every way. 9/10 Watched with @BraedenLlama


This is just a masterpiece, the last episode is beautiful and Lelouch being a very anti hero comes of as one of the most heroic characters in any story. The message of anti war is very profound and brilliant, the display of politics, shadow play,war reaches Battlestar Galatica level.But what really

It's good but is it great? not really. giving it a 7/10 is pretty generous, because there's a lot of specific things i love, including the ending, and the main character, who i didn't get the hype for at first, but he really grew on me, especially in the final episode where i fully understood his m

an impressive first half, i was pretty consistently engaged in the plot, the characters are mostly really well written, the animation is fine, and i'm looking forward to season 2. i do think the plot has quite a few minor plot holes, and could have been written more coherently, and the pacing could

I still don't know if this is a 4 or a 4,5 but either way i loved this season. It didn't start off that well but from like episode 10 i got really invested in the story. Lelouch is such an amazing protagonist already and i can see how Eren was inspired in him. There's a bit of too much action though

The best ending I’ve ever seen to any show

Lelouch the goat🐐🐐
