Season 1 of Sitcoms usually are pretty rough, haven’t quite found their footing. But, 30 Rock seemed to know exactly what it wanted to be from the first episode. It could be funnier, and a little less drama, but it was great other than that.
This was a great start! Definitely one of the best 'first seasons' I've seen from a sitcom (looking at you The Office and Parks and Rec.). The jokes are a mile a minute, and when this show is in its groove, it's legitimately hilarious. The cast plays off each other extremely well (especially Fey and
It’s a solid start! I first watched this when I was maybe 12 and I don’t know if I remember it being funnier or it gets funnier as it goes on but I’m enjoying the rewatch for sure. There are so many quality dynamics at play here, Liz and Jack especially are so fun to watch. I love Dr Spaceman so muc
This is one of the quintessential sitcoms of the 21st century and I'm sad I haven't gotten around to this sooner than now. Each character is hilarious and Tina Fey is a powerhouse on screen and on the pen. I need more of this NOW.