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Goosebumps: The Vanishing (2025)
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Reviews for Goosebumps: The Vanishing

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
Not one but TWO Brat songs 💚

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
the music budget is crazy

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
Cece getting chased by the blob was a cool way to bring her in. Never trust cambucha

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
What if The Blob was Venom?

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
Why isn't anyone doing any research into this place?!?

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
i loved this cece episode💚

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
soundtrack going crazy

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
This is so teeeaaaaaa

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
What's with Charlie XCX randomly being played in this episode haha. Again the horror elements what's happening the first episode did it so well and it's falling off in regards to that, again this is MONSTER BLOOD and it's so tame in regards to the horror yet again like The Haunted Car in the last e

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
so brat

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
I am SO sick of this show just trying to play the most popular music possible I don't wanna hear BRAT anymore!!!!! also it's written in that cringe way of just desperately trying to sound like a teenager wrote it and it's so annoying I CANT

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
It's so confusing 💃🏻

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
I wanna try kombucha I wanna see if it's really like that

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
Die Horrorfilmreferenzen gehen weiter. Der Blob und eine Shining-Szene sind die Highlights dieser Folge. Außerdem taucht eine mysteriöse Frau auf, die was zu wissen scheint. Hab ich jetzt eventuell gespoilert? Wahrscheinlich ein bisschen, sorry.

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
You will not believe what happens sonically in this episode. 5 stars.

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
It's an episode like this that makes me wish for anthology, separate episodes that are "direct" adaptations of the source material, because nothing about this felt like "Monster Blood"... Also, the ending is very eye-rolling, "Your dad is behind everything!!" *dun-dun-duuuuuun* I mean, in a bit of

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
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S01 E04 · Monster Blood
was casting for the twins’ mum just not in the budget?

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
don’t ever buy kombucha on tap x

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
its giving brat 💚

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
Big sad for Cece for failing we her college interview; also Cece tasing the Blob of Jam, nice reference to The Shining with the blood pouring down the hallway

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
ok ok! this one was better!

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
playing girl, so confusing immediately followed by 360 is so iconic. i love this show.

S01 E04 · Monster Blood
360 what are you doing here…