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S01 E04
Poster for SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night: Miniseries
Season 11: The Weird Year
Jan 16 2025 • 67m
A behind-the-scenes look at Saturday Night Live's tumultuous 1985-86 season, when creator Lorne Michaels returned after a 5-year absence. Despite high expectations, the show faced significant on-screen challenges during this comeback year.


S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
Season 12 of SNL is “the weird year”, huh? Hearing Lorne Michaels saying he wanted SNL to die really hurt. But it's alive and well after 50 years, huh? Also, it felt like there could be way more episodes. I kept checking to see if more episodes would be unveiled. I guess not.

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
I don’t know. This season looks kinda Fire to me. FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA & PHILIP GLASS DID AN EPISODE?!? Yo fuck Damon Wayans. First of all, doing a stereotypical, effeminate gay voice is horribly offensive & homophobic. Especially considering he had an an openly gay cast mate. Second of all, how pet

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
This review contains spoilers. Click here to see it anyway.

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
and fuck chevy chase!

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
The ratings for this episodes are STUPID low. This was actual, informative Documentary Film. Fuck off.

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
the season 11 lore is never ending and it’s amazing

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
wow young lorne really did look kind of like gabriel labelle

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
Like catnip for an SNL nerd when Jim Downey, Robert Smigel, and A. Whitney Brown among others are talking heads. A little too "well, you know it was hard because it's an all new cast" like Jean and Dick didn't adopt a similar problem to solve when Lorne left initially (very weird to not mention The

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
The problem is I trust lorne with my life so it’s difficult to believe he’d ever do anything that failed

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
Why was Lorne so airbrushed

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
Didn’t know about the weird year

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
Not a fan of the editing this ep tbh

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
I honestly can’t wait to see this season.

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
The worst of the four, but it does round out the series fairly well

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
I wouldn’t mind another biopic sequel to Saturday Night solely about Season 11. A limited series perhaps? I would LOVE a director directing the entire episode again. Christopher Nolan? Jordan Peele?!?! That would be hilarious given he got rejected from SNL

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
so peacock cut the funny sketches from that Francis Ford Coppola episode? great on par with them

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
cesar catalina probably hosted snl

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
It feels appropriate they saved the best for last since, outside of showing why this season was so important to the history of the show for a multitude of reasons (it's easy to forget this is where Tom Hanks hosted for the first time as one such example), I liked seeing folks such as Terry Sweeney g

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
I really liked this deep dive into SNL's 11th season. It's such an interesting, bold, clunky anomaly and it's cool to see its impact on SNL and the launching of many entertainment icons through the season's successes and failures.

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
that FFC episode looks unbelievable WHAT

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
all i've learned is that lorne is only a hero until his wallet or legacy is threatened. then he turns into a villainous monster. once again, like the cowbell episode, this is focused on one singular thing (a single season of the show) just because it's the first season after lorne came back to show

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
It did exactly what I want a documentary to do for me — it taught me about a topic that I barely knew and raised my interest. So I must say: I would love to watch the Coppola episode. On the flip side, the ep dropped the ball in several ways, ways which are obvious given the intention and the money

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year A doc about SNL at it's height,
And how a good sketch can be hard to write.
The year that got "weird",
Where everyone feared,
There might be no more Saturday Night.

S01 E04 · Season 11: The Weird Year
Just like Season 11 this was underwhelming