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Secret Level (2024)
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Reviews for Secret Level

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
take this as a warning to NEVER play spelunky. 82 deaths? that's NOTHING. i struggled through spelunky and the sequel more than i ever did with any fromsoft games😭😭 pretty bad episode, lacks substance, is too short, but the art style was ok ig? strong 4/10

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
This makes me want to cry play Spelunky, I’ve always wanted to and looks like a blast

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
this was a cute game i'll try to play it

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
Life is an adventure, and this is just a little anecdote to tell you that. Nothing worth remembering, but the ending saves it.

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
Fun little story, beautiful Arcane-esque animation, but nothing particularly special. Nice little advert for the game though I thought.

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
This one absolutely has potential! Why?!

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
The 80’s music was good.

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
never played spelunky, but really liked the style and vibe of this short.

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
Loved the animation, but I was bored to tears with the story. Not bad per se, just not for me.

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
40% 👍🏻

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
*THE VIDEO GAME PLAYER WHO KEEPS DYING REPEATEDLY IN ANY GAME:* "Wait, is this fucking short about me?"

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
Not a fan of how this looks too similar to the Sifu one instead of trying to make it look like THE ACTUAL GAME, but it was cute.

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
Hmm, adventures. Actually, it turned out quite cute.

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
a psa to not let spelunky players kill themselves also barely any spleunking in the spelunpy short im gonna boil geoff keighley

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
Funnest one yet!

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
now I wanna try out splunkey

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
Actually quite cute and fun and adapts the game well and looks really great! But God I wish it amounted to more, ended so abruptly and needed it to be longer.

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
A pair of explorers (“Spelunking’s in my blood!”) ponder their purpose in a subterranean world where everything wants to kill them. Repeatedly. “Death isn’t something you should just shake off.”

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
spelunky is so fun. this would’ve been a great series

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
Esta trama de vive,muere y repite ya me está cansando...

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
i like the moral. it's all about perspective indeed. i thought it was a fortiche production with that arcane-like style alas it's not. still cool animation and the concept of turning a platformer like that into a more mystery-induced plot is fun!

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
Me senti representado kkkkk. Me lembrou o clássico Temple Run

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
Arcane animation style is prolly one of my favs

S01 E12 · Spelunky: Tally
Worst episode so far. Boring and SUPER corny.