Backdrop poster for Clannad
Poster for Clannad
2 seasons
, 44 episodes
Episode run time
24 minutes
Oct 5 2007
Last aired
Mar 13 2009
🌸 Anime


2007 • 2 seasons • 24m • Animation, Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Anime • TV-PG
Tomoya Okazaki is a third year high school student resentful of his life. His mother passed away from a car accident when he was younger, causing his father to resort to alcohol and cigarettes. This results in fights between the two until Tomoya's shoulder is injured in a fight. Since then, Tomoya h

Seasons (3)

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Life can be very beautiful or very sad but either way don’t ever let those terrible things stop you from living life at its fullest. ❤️‍🩹

I have the warmest impressions of this anime, it is a very beautiful story about pure and true love. 𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝟙: This season is a little weak, the school theme, Tomoya's merciless pranks on his friend didn't really grab me. I also didn’t really like that it was a little drawn out, some moments

Season 1 of clannad is a fairly normal romance story with some interesting supernatural elements mixed in that calls for a good time, with many funny and heartwarming moments. After story, or season 2 however is beautiful. I won’t say too much about the whole season, but i’ll just say i cried 7 ep

Clannad is a series that in its first season is a romance anime that will stand out for its rather authentic charadesign and I find that there is a particular atmosphere that I had never found elsewhere. There will be several arcs dedicated to secondary characters, all very interesting in my opinion

Clannad is Perfect ❤️ Underestimated too much on first viewing. Top 4/5 show ever ❤️‍🩹🙏🏻

One of the most consistent seasons oat Totally different from the first seasons but both are amazing in their own way

clannad season 1 it was so boring asf but this season so beautiful i can't describe it how much i love it.

When I first watched it I underestimated the first season, this introductory season is still very good. 8,5/10

Wow i didn't expect it to be that good i thought its gonna be on s1 lvl or a lil better but this was a big improvement Amazing season and one of my favourite S2s.

i never expected this to hit me this hard man i never expected to be this peak espacially s1 s season 1 was amazing it was soo good and im really surprised by how it is good but for afterstory its the most perfect shit i have ever watched in my life the final stretch from 9-22 is easily the best

Meh first szn, has its highs and lows Looking forward for S2.

This is the best fictional experience I've had to date. This TV show impacted me so fucking much. As I was able to say in my review of 2x18, I am going through a breakup period which is very hard for me. This tv show made me release emotions that I hadn't released yet. It was both painful but also

Amazing first season Now it's time for after story

Yeah idc I give it 5 stars I really love this season with all my heart I don't understand why people underestimate this season so much when, apart from being very enjoyable, there's some really good character work, especially in the kotomi arc, the final arc and a few other episodes. And I'm havi

T3 season oat❤

This show is just too important for me ❤❤

most perfect season oat and afterstory is top 2 arc in fiction

great S1 Top 5 Episodes: 1. S1E09 - Until the End of the Dream 2. S1E14 - Theory of Everything 3. S1E22 - Two Shadows 4. S1E18 - Counter Measures 5. S1E13 - Garden of Memories

loved this season so much, definetly a season ill revisit from time to time

top 3 show and #4 media, one of my favourite cast of all time, beautiful journey and lifechangeing experience, tomoya is one of my fav protags in fiction and the flower field is one of my fav peaks ever, could keep on talking about how this impacted me but ill leave it at this, I genuinely cant stop

Im quite surprised by how good this season is this was peak it was so enjoyable and the last 4 episodes stretch was underrated there is no bad arcs at all i really love this cast sm and im so excited for afterstory Top 3 characters 1 tomoya 2 nagisa 3 kotomi Top 3 episodes 1 two shadows 2 th

One of the greatest watching experiences ive ever had Destroyed me emotionally

Easily one the best romance/slice of life anime I have ever seen (Even though I still slightly prefer A Silent Voice just because of how much it means to me personally). This is an absolutely beautiful show that needs to be watched. Season 1 is already a really good 8/10 show on it's own, then sea