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Good Luck Charlie (2010)
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Reviews for Good Luck Charlie

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the real good luck charlie is hoping she moves out and outlearns amy duncan’s anti-vax belief system she’ll have been indoctrinated with.

i’m being so serious when i say this is like my favorite thing ever

kinda one of the best shows ever idk

charlie is SO FA KING CUTE!!!!


a solid start and i loathe spencer

a solid first season to the show. every episode was enjoyable. i was giggling left and right. i love these characters so much <3

love this insane family

cutest thing on tv and better than literally everything airing these days

First three seasons and the Christmas movie were my literal childhood, the quality isn't excatly up to date but for how poorly Disney treats their channel sitcoms, this one did just right. And, as always... We STAN Bob Duncan in this household

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watching this as a senior filling out common app and realizing my childhood is almost over was so therapeutic and so depressing. anyways i love the duncans so much and i wish more than anything they’d do a sequel series :/

another great season. i laughed a lot. my only complaint is we didn’t get as much of mrs. dabney and ivy as i would’ve liked.

such a wholesome show. fuck spencer

i love this show. it's one of the best disney channel series there are. it's one of the only shows capable of making me laugh out loud. it has great characters. shoutout to amy, ivy, and mrs. dabney. i think those three are easily my favorites. the show does a good job of trying to be more realistic

best disney channel series the duncans are my family

Happy to report that Good Luck Charlie is still hilarious. PJ is still literally me, but as a blonde. It's crazy how much I remember from this show, even tho it had been years since I last watched it, yet I have no idea what I did in my classes the past few years. Brains work in mysterious ways. T

the duncans slay and spencer is a flop. we hate spencer! stan ivy, she’s a true one.

Bridgit Mendler is possibly the hottest girl ever to appear on Disney channel

the last good disney tv show from my childhood

mid season but i love this family and was so sad to see this show end

los bloopers del último episodio, revivió mi infancia