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Batman: The Animated Series (1992)
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Reviews for Batman: The Animated Series

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
bro fumbled that op power

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
“I’ve heard that time is money but this is ridiculous.”

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
Clock King literally had the ability to freeze time and fumbled the bag bro. Imagine all the fun stuff he could’ve done with that power. Episode felt like the flash in how it handles time and the world around.

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
Felt like an episode of flash lol

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
Can this show please cool it with the Penguin and Clock King puns 😭

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
Clock King went from knowing how fast Batman punches to freezing time itself, mad respect

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
Sci-fi elements mixed with Batman does not usually bode well with me. But, this was cool and the effect of that time machine was done nicely.

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
Batman in its sci-fi bag 👍🏾

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
Incredibly ballsy to not only have a second clock king episode but have it be about honest to God time-travel??

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
This episode is just cool as shit

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
OMG OMG OMG! I have watched this episode with Snoopy Smoke and Black Peter Griffin on Max and it was awesome! I love Batman, Commissioner James Gordon, Mayor Hamilton Hill, The Clock King and Dr. Wataki! My favorite parts are the opening, the ending, Batman using super speed and time being fixed! ⭐️

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
Episodes rogue: clock king Ah yes Batman causing blindness in people to secure massive victory

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
Giving Clock King a device that can freeze time is honestly the coolest thing that could happen to his character.

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
hehehehe Batman walks into a bar as Bruce Wayne and said "I have dealt with The Clock King" and the bartender said "hope it's not a waste of time" 🤣😂

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
Hey look (and i could probably be wrong on this considering the fact I’m watching this in production order) this is the first episode to have a different intro. But in all seriousness this is a really cool episode especially when clock king literally freeze time and then later Batman & Robin they fr

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
Still doesn’t seem right. I get why they are using Robin but like this doesn’t seem like “Batman: The Animated Series”

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
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S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
This review contains spoilers. Click here to see it anyway.

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
They knew they couldn't top the campiness of the first Clock King episode, so they decided to just break the laws of physics and transform him into a sci-fi killer. Brave... goofy, but brave. I like it.

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
Este me perdió un poco con la lógica. Cómo es que Fugate podía congelar y reanudar el tiempo cuando estaba en la oficina del alcalde pero Batman y Robin nunca llegaban, si ya estaban cerca? Por qué a nadie le pareció raro que Batman y Robin estuvieron casi congelados en medio de la calle dos días?

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
i love time distortion. that was so cool INTERSTELLAR REFERDNCE ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️

S03 E05 · Time Out of Joint
imagine if one day time just randomly froze