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S01 E07
Poster for Orb: On the Movements of the Earth: Season 1
Matters of the Truth
Nov 9 2024 • 25m
Gifted scholar Jolenta suffers discrimination as the only girl at an astronomy institute. Badeni seeks resources to prove the heliocentric theory.


S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
all my homies hate that fucking Kolbe. i absolutely loved how they made Kolbe and Jolenta’s talk like if they’re were separated from the rest of the world and the music was so mysterious, that made me feel that this is some serious shit! and it actually is! fuck him, poor girl! Bedeni isn’t all th

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
I really miss rafel, Another great episode! 8.4/10

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
I really miss rafel, Another great episode! 8.4/10

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
W ep W cliffhanger

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
Badeni’s character is getting so well developed with just about every line of dialogue he has, making a very complex character whose intentions are not quite as altruistic as initially presented. Good introduction for Jolenta too

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
I like this new character

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
What I really appreciated about this episode was how it handled the characters, diving deeper into their moral complexities and presenting them as more layered than they initially appeared. Take Badeni: he’s a researcher who’s critical of the current church hierarchy and genuinely curious about the

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
This show starting to finally get into it with our second set of characters. Gotta be one of the more accurate and self-aware portrayals of sexism I've seen in a hot second in anime. Nuanced portrays of Jolenta's mentor and her internalized views despite not even agreeing with them. GOOD STUFF, I do

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
I like this mixture of idealogies and character traits. The writer for this is very good, now let's see what he cooks up next

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
What were they thinking to achieve by hiding the face of Nowak? As if people wouldn't recognise the voice of Tsuda Kenjiro. Also it'd be interesting to see what Nowak does when he learns his own daughter is getting involved with heretics that he executes.

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
So consistent

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
I'm not prepared for the researcher girl to meet her demise (I fear it is inevitable)

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
Lol girl in episode was gatekept and gaslight

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
Forgot his name, but fuck that guy tbh (You know who)

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
Badeni can't help but be an asshole haha.

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
Back on my Orb watch. Man FUCK that guy. Found it a bit too slower paced compared to other episodes. The production was a bit choppier too.

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
Me estreso este cap

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
La boss jolenta

S01 E07 · Matters of the Truth
Jolenta tu as tellement le potentiel de devenir ce personnage principal