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The Rehearsal (2022)
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Reviews for The Rehearsal

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
It's a rehearsal, within a rehearsal. Within THE REHEARSAL FUCKING BEAUTIFUL AS EVER !!! The scene where the kid goes "Oh, COME ON" when Nathan was leaving for work... was PERFECTION. LMAO

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
Angela is insane. Why did she tell Nathan to google the origins of Halloween if Google is controlled by the devil…. The ending scene with the sticker on the bell pepper omg and the fact that Nathan simply turned it around instead of taking the sticker off? I think taking it off would’ve broken the

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
I need like a whole documentary on the production of the show alone.

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
seeing someone with the same beliefs as my dad and stepmom on tv is terrifying

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
this show is honestly the only show i've ever seen that accurately depicts how batshit insane human behavior actually is

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
i was expecting more cringe comedy like nathan for you why is this one of the most psychologically upsetting shows i've ever seen

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
This was sad 😢

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
“After all, there’s only so much you can do to deceive yourself. And even when you think of everything, there will always be things you forget.” I love Nathan's creativity so much.

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
"For some, maybe just the rehearsal is enough." The stuff with the fake granddad was amazing and the ending part was weirdly emotional? I can really see the potential of this and why it gets such high praise. 8.5/10

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
Rehearsal just can't miss man shit is too good. The dialogues, the acting, Nathan and the use of music. I'm in love

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
congratulations to the dilf club on their new addition… mr. fielder!

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
my toxic trait is thinking Nathan fielder would be My daddy they gave him so much power with this show he is soooo

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
my favourite part is watching someone say the most insane thing you’ve ever heard and nathan just goes “oh.. okay”

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
"I'm starting to wonder how I could so easily create feelings inside other people's rehearsal when I couldn't do it for myself."

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
much to unpack here ... so grateful HBO decided to fund Mr Fielder's silly little social experiment

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
This episode feels like this is where the series begins to shift from a comedy about rehearsing important parts of people's lives to Nathan Fielder struggling to keep up with a show of his own creation. He's forced to deal with the fact that he's not a part of these people's lives, that the rehearsa

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
What the fuck(respectfully)

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
I'm just like Nathan, anytime someone disappoints me or says the most outlandish thing I just go "Okay"😭😭 HBO we need a second season

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
This review contains spoilers. Click here to see it anyway.

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
i think what i’m loving the most is how real it all is

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
nathan fielder is doing for reality tv is what the sopranos did for tv dramas. i think the manipulation discourse kind of falls apart when you remind yourself it's a fucking tv show. the meta-rehearsal they set up for patrick was super uncomfortable, but the question of manipulation i think comes d

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
Hahahahah the "is Nathan Fielder manipulative, possibly unethically so" discourse turned out to be hilariously premature because this episode answers a resounding "Yes" but then somehow miraculously seems to be a force for good in this particular instance? I laughed alot, and I was shocked to be dee

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
nathan has a weird way of making people feel

S01 E03 · Gold Digger
He better get nominated at the Emmy’s next year