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Bad Sisters (2022)
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Reviews for Bad Sisters

I don’t believe in the glorification of murder but I do believe in the empowerment of women

Very very good, really had a fun time watching this. The ladies were phenomenal, their on screen chemistry is some of the best I've seen in recent years, they really look like a real life family. Incredibly well written and acted all-round, smart, perfect timed and on spot use of sharped dark humo

The close bond between the five sisters is the heart of this show and it was so beautiful to watch them always be there for each other at the end of the day. The actresses who played the sisters actually felt like a family and portrayed the sibling dynamic really well. I did have a hunch about who

irish women should be allowed to kill whoever they want

Banging performances from Claes Bang and the sisters can't stop this from getting too old, too fast. Could've benefited from using the Britcom format of having lesser and half-hour episodes.

Apple TV+ simply refuses to miss. Amazing show one of my favorites of the year. Loved the humour, the characters, the relationship between the sisters and the ending...soo satisfying. Need all the girls in this to win Emmys.

idk what to say like that was just pure excellence. Slow start but brilliantly done in the end. I highly recommend it

watching this made me sad i don’t have a sister, who’s gonna kill for me

Worse than the first season, but still a decent season

I am absolutely sure. John Paul is the most disgusting villain I've ever seen on TV. Joffrey Baratheon is a common kid compare to him... PLEASE don't make season 2. I know I'll miss the Garvey sisters but I'm sure it'll be trainwreck if it's renew. One of the best series of the year. Btw my favorit

Good series, stylish, funny, captivating, the characters are also good and well developed

Murderous women are SO Back!!!!!!

I only watched this because PJ Harvey was on the soundtrack

Definitely a step down from the first season and this wasn’t really needed at all, but it still had its moments in my opinion and the sisters are always fun to watch. Even though this may have not had the best conclusion, it didn’t bother me too much. I wouldn’t be mad if there is or isn’t a third s

Suprisingly very good

Apple TV actually has Good Shows

Good but worse than Season 1

Очередной интересный сериал от Эпл у них прям есть некий талант на создания таких приятных, атмосферных сериалов. Сериал это черная комедия и драма одновременно мы видим как все героини страдают от главного пидараса Джона Хуйола, ебучий садист весь сериал старается держать всех на крючке как же у ме

As Lady Gaga said, “I don’t believe in the glorification of murder but I do believe in empowerment of women.” That’s exactly what this show did. It’s perfect in every way I imagined it to be. I want to rewatch all over again. This cast, the writing, directing, and the soundtrack — all great. I lov

honestly should have stayed a one season show. it feels like they were punishing grace for killing her abusive rapist husband and i just don't like that massage. i'm glad the season doesn't end with an actual cliffhanger and hope this is the end, even though i'll miss all the characters.

it’s basically an irish big little lies

they slayed

I really like the female characters so much. They are brave, warm and funny, especially Sharon Horgan.🥰🫶

a season that didn’t really need to happen, but i’m glad we got more garvey sisters