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Twin Peaks (1990)
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Reviews for Twin Peaks

S03 E06 · Part 6
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S03 E06 · Part 6
8/10 the midget was the highlight of this ep

Great episode but wtf is going on???😭😭😭

I GET IT (in Tony Soprano voice)

Naomi Watts always manages to steal the show, plus the emergence of Laura Dern playing Diane will further add to the appeal of this season.

what that kid dying was so disturbing

S03 E06 · Part 6
hopefully copper gets back to normal soon

CUTENESS OVERLOAD I love Dale so much 😭

This show is just so unusual. It follows a very rough plot and then random stuff just happens, like a midget random stabbing people and a guy running over a child in his truck, and those are pretty normal things for this show too. Seeing Diane was cool though, I just want Coop back 🙏

David Lynch we need to talk.

i’m so confused what some things have to do with the plot

S03 E06 · Part 6
David Lynch is such an innovative director for discovering a new alternative to sleeping pills with this episode. I'll get the positives out of the way first. The soundtrack. Now for the negatives. This episode focuses on every wrong plotline, really not a singular thing that happens here is inter

S03 E06 · Part 6
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Need to contact Dougie’s boss cause man he surely cracked Lynch’s cryptic code. Also happy to see the face of the legendary DIANE. 🙏

more or less the exact same stuff as the previous episode, a lot of cameos from big-name tv actors & ambiguous scenes with really good music choices but a kid got randomly ran over & a midget randomly stabbed & killed some people in an office?

S03 E06 · Part 6
This ep was so disturbing wtf

S03 E06 · Part 6
Great ep man

S03 E06 · Part 6
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S03 E06 · Part 6
fly high child

Wow! I love seeing innocent children being brutally murdered! Kudos, David Lynch!

S03 E06 · Part 6
The kid being killed was disturbing as heck, no reason for that imo, outside of that great episode hilarious as per usual. It was also cool to put a face to the name with Diane Low 4 stars / 8

S03 E06 · Part 6
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-Solid 4/5

Why tf did I just see Tyrion Lannister's doppelganger kill random people