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Supernatural (2005)
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Reviews for Supernatural

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
the meta episodes are so fucking good, the dean cas bestie arc is starting

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
the writers literally said stop trying to make wincest happen it's not going to happen

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
supernatural just feels like a fever dream atp 'one day these books will be known as the winchester gospel'

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
this show is so camp I can’t believe it’s real. like this aired on TELEVISION

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
The writers specialize in writing funky little guys first gabe now chuck

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
"will be known as the winchester gospel" it's true supernatural is actually my bible

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
i love when shows go all fourth wall and meta

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
Supernatural going meta is so good omg. Them acknowledging some bad writing choices and fanfictions was so cool ! This show always brings things further, I love it !

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
This episode is so funny knowing now what happens later in the show

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
learnt about wincesties this episode, worst day of my life

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
I LOVED THIS SO MUCH i'm so happy this show is real

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
chuck:( also cas helping dean i truly love to see it

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
Loving every time dean suprises someone by talking about books and other things he loves, hes just like me fr

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
prophet writes supernatural fanfictions

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
love when shows do episodes like this. it’s very rare that tv shows do it well but supernatural is so good at breaking the fourth wall

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
No the bugs episode was terrible, it's becoming self aware

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
this really is the show of all time

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
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S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
loved how they did a fourth wall break in this episode

S04 E18 · The Monster at the End of this Book
How did we get this meta with ten seasons to go??? 🎶 and the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls 🎶 and in bad fantasy book series 🎶