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Supernatural (2005)
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Reviews for Supernatural

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
how gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
let dean say fuck! after all the shit he goes through he shouldve been allowed to swear in every episode

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
"gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day." the only thing i think about while watching this is that one tumblr post about us (the viewers) watching a filtered version of spn. dean cursing in this episode means dean curses in the other episodes as well, we just dont get to se

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
I would unironically watch ghostfacers tbh

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
The world just isn’t ready for the ghostfacers.😪

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
"Rats are like the rats of the world" 🤯 The shot of Corbett's face while he ran in the background kinda gave me chills

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
"you got to go be gay for that poor, dead intern" #ripcorbett 💔

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
love the found footage, hahah the look on Dean and Sammy's face, it's true they were taking advantage of the friend, well done guys!♡

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
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S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
This is actually the best found footage content I’ve ever seen and im not even joking.

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
"the world just isn't ready for the ghostfacers." "it's too bad. i kinda liked the show!"

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
Any gimmick to ensure the boys get to openly cuss on camera is a great episode to me.

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
" gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day" i would unironically watch ghostfacers

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
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S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
it’s always the gay people that die 😒

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
New comfort episode acquired, actually "War changes men." "And Maggie." "War changes men. And one woman."

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
Idk I didn't really like that one I think it's the weakest one so far

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
i wouldnt even mind if the whole spn series was shot in found footage tbh

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
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S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
A rather peculiar episode, it reminded me of a movie from the "VHS" saga.

S03 E13 · Ghostfacers!
the ending lmfao they kinda deserved that