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Adventure Time (2010)
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Reviews for Adventure Time

The second best season of the show (S8 🐐). Same as season 9, so consistent, it only has one mid ep (Tree Trunks ofc). I'll be posting my entire show review tomorrow. TOP 3 CHARACTERS 1. Finn 2. Jake 3. Betty/Princess Bubblegum HM: Marceline TOP 3 EPISODES 1. [10x13] Come Along With Me (9.7) 2. [1

A final seasons go, this was pretty amazing, there were some episodes I wasn’t fond of, but I loved most of it, I loved how they tied up every loose end, some great closure The finale was absolutely incredible, perfect way to end this show

One of the best seasons of the show. Absolute peak all the way through, they used all the things they created throughout the series and even the only mid episode of the season was fun and it added a cool backstory to a character and this show does that always, loved this a lot, peak show i already

Strong 4 and a pretty good season that was consistent from start to finish and ends the show nicely . A bit disappointing for a final season but I still have the spin-offs left to watch

Forgot to review this yesterday I was too sad over the ending 😭😭 Great season and a great way to end the show, overall I would say this is pretty much the same level as S6 & 9 but that ending definitely bumps it up to a 4.5 for me T3 Episodes 1. 10x13 Come Along With Me 2. 10x8 The First Invest

Come along with me And the butterflies and bees We can wander through the forest And do so as we please Come along with me To a cliff under a tree Where we can gaze upon the water As an everlasting dream All of my collections I'll share them all with you Maybe by next summer We won't have changed ou

A really solid final season that wraps up the show nicely

Really great final season. The final episode especially is a masterpiece. Average Episode Rating: 8.5/10

Wraps up everything extremely nicely. Sure, Gumbald is a very mediocre villain but I think he works very well in the context of the season. Also, the ending is amazing. What's not to love?

I'm not sure why so many of these episodes are just "wrap up this character" (I mean I guess it's cuz this is the final season) but it's still pretty damn good. The finale is genuinely one of the best finales I've ever seen.

Just so full of heart. Adventure Time’s final season is also one of its best, taking this whole incredible journey we’ve gone on and sending it off with a big hug. It reminds us of where we’ve been, it inquires about where we can go, and it’s imbued with magic the whole way through. And man, I could

One of the best finales to a show?

Probably the most consistent season quality wise with great episodes that help build up to the amazing finale. It was a satisfying season that was a blast to watch.

Nobody touch me I’m vulnerable.

It's so beautiful


Still not ready for this to be over, might hold off on Distant Lands for a lil for the sake of my mental health ☺️ Another great season of Adventure Time, tho ngl I’m a lil disappointed with how inconsistent it was at times considering how short it was and the fact that it’s the final season. Also

I feel like this really needed to be longer to properly establish Gumball and the rest of PB's family as a threat, or they should have been introduced sooner, because it did feel a wee bit rushed, but it did function, so it's not the worst thing ever it did all culminate in that finale though, which

cried like a big baby at the finale

Great season, great Finn story, Great Jake Past and amazing finale ♥️

Even if it’s very short compared to the previous seasons from before, I don’t think words can describe how much this season ended the original Adventure Time series on a high note for itself. I’ll have a lot more to explain why this show meant so much to me growing up reviewing the show in full. As


Literally the only thing stopping this from being the perfect final season is that stupid Tree Trunks episode. Favorite episode: Come Along With Me