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Xavier: Renegade Angel (2007)
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Reviews for Xavier: Renegade Angel

So smart in how dumb it is.

The greatest tv protagonist ever

Created by Vernon Chatman and John Lee for Adult Swim, we have a very surreal, very unhinged, and very adult CG animated series following Xavier, a bizarre man-creature thing wandering the earth in search of wisdom and true meaning. With a beak for a nose, a snake for a left arm, and covered in fur,

Second best absurdist late night adult swim show.

This show is really great season 2 definitely wasn't as good but I still enjoyed it.

I’m so happy that this made it into the top 50 shows on serializd. The show itself is pure nonsense, but im just so happy. Fritatta!

Underrated masterpiece

Season 1 is about as perfect as television gets. Precise, hilarious, surreal, and so so smart in the ways it chooses to be stupid. Season 2 has a couple duds, and I much prefer Vernon Chatman’s more measured delivery as Xavier from season 1, but as a package, XRA is quite possibly the best thing to

Holy fucking shit. Probably one of the funniest most creative just straight up weird things I have ever seen. The concepts are fantastic. The dialogue amazing. This shit is too good and clever to be improv but I don’t understand what kind of person could sit and write dialogue like this, such a mix

One of my favorite shows of all time, and for some reason a comfort show of mine. Xavier: Renegade Angel looks ridiculously stupid on the outside, but when you watch it it's a genuinely intelligent show that's so overwhelming in terms of smart humor that it needs to be viewer multiple times in small

Probably ahead of it's time. The less sense an episode made the better. Favorite quote: "What is the opposite of salt." "PEPPER!" "No, they're just two spices trying to get by."

No joke I actually really fuggin love this show so much, it’s comedy predicted Gen z humor that’s how good it is! Yeah the animation looks like a cutscene from a ps2 game but it’s an Adult Swim show what do you expect, my favorite episode is the one where he kidnaps babies, and then he sees a missin

Xavier is our lord and savior. Let's make a religion out of this.

Damnesia was cool but everything else was weirdly racist

This character is just like me!

A massive drop-off in terms of writing compared to season 1. The pacing feels so break neck fast. They don't linger on a scene for a minute and so it feels way too hyperactive which really goes against the shows aim of satirizing mysticism and pseudo-intellectualism as it fails to match the calm, wi

easily the funniest show ive ever seen

91 As Jay Exci once said about the (used to be) great, Rick and Morty.. Xavier Renegade Angel is a dumb show with amazing writing.

somehow even better than the first

The weirdest shit I've ever seen.


The holy masterpiece made too early for it’s time. In all seriousness though if you love absurdist humor and wierd shit this show is definitely for you. I personally didn’t find it as funny as I thought it would be but it was still really funny, with the animation style looking like it was made on a

Not as amazing as the first season but still rather exceptional, the two Damnesia episodes being some of the best the show has to offer (aside from the season one finale). This season more follows Xavier still on his spiritual journey, this time putting to rest some mommy issues, seemingly getting c