Backdrop poster for Wonder Showzen
Wonder Showzen
Poster for Wonder Showzen
2 seasons
, 16 episodes
Episode run time
21 minutes
Mar 11 2005
Last aired
May 19 2006
🤪 Absurd🤡 Satire

Wonder Showzen

2005 • 2 seasons • 21m • Comedy, Absurd, Satire
Wonder Showzen is an American sketch comedy television series that aired between 2005 and 2006 on MTV2. It was created by John Lee and Vernon Chatman of PFFR. The show is rated TV-MA. The show's format is that of educational PBS children's television shows such as Sesame Street and The Electric Com

Seasons (3)

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Sesame Street but it's written and directed by Charles Manson.

A few episodes that aren’t that funny such as the horse Apple episodes but other then that and some of the meh sketches this show is comedic gold. Just needs to trim a bit of the fat and you have a masterpiece of dark comedy.

More of the same acid bite satire of season one brought down with a commitment to extend its Hee Haw parody Horse Apples to a full 20 minute episode. A real low point for the entire series that definitely works better as a companion to the finale though I will say; following up the manic Jeff Foxwor

Wonder Showzen is the epitome of late night high shows. It’s all over the place, edgy and willing to go the extra mile for a laugh, but it also feels like there’s more under the surface than what most shows aimed at stoners would suggest. It’s incredible how this show can have legitimate arguments t

I love this show It's fucked up, it's hilarious, it makes me burst out laughing so much. New obsession has been discovered!

There is not enough people talking about how disturbing this show actually is. I have seen a bunch of fucked up shit in my time, but this… I have never seen anything like it before. I don’t even think it is possible to find words to describe it either. Just watch the first episode and it would be en

Wonder Showzen is one of those programs where you can’t work out just how it ever got commissioned and highly doubt it’ll ever get reruns. It was Sesame Street fuelled by Acid and darkness. It was brilliant. Another lost relic sitting in MTV’s archives.

Very funny but like many sketch shows there's a bit of a hit or miss quality to it. The kids show gimmick keeps it fresh tho theming things a bit and allowing for the shock humor to land a lot better. Think some of the pacing needs to be sharpened a bit. Few episodes had the balance perfectly but ot

This was, without a doubt, the most unhinged TV show I've ever seen.

does it look like I'm laughing? my favorite bit was 'beat kids' the rest were just slightly entertaining. some episodes drove me crazy because they were so damn annoying and hellish like when they played the first half of the show in reverse. sometimes I felt like Clarence was just straight up hara

Season 2 of Wonder Showzen cements it as one of the best comedy series to ever exist. It’s influence is instantly recognizable and this second season just embrace itself more.

A completely absurd, dark, crude show that consistently oversteps the line but does it in the most ridiculous way possible.

This review contains spoilers. Click here to see it anyway.

A genuine must watch. Might not all click but it’s an incredible mix of absurdist humor, shock humor, and cringe humor. The granddaddy of all our favorite late night comedy shows now.

An absurdist, existential masterpiece.

Tackles all of society’s woes with a prescription dose of cyanide. Predicts a lot of modern comedy (your Adult Swims, YTPs, Deep fried memes, etc.), but is entirely its own beast as it skewers every topic under the sun to mostly positive results. Episode 8 goes full Andy Kaufman and rides off into t

I don't know how or why I sometimes put this on in the background from time to time and end up watching the whole series, but it does happen. I guess it's mindless comedy that has neat animations from time to time, like a real fucked up screensaver that your watching at 3am.