this was incredible. you can immediately tell just how much better this season is going to be by this opener. it's packed to the brim with amazing scenes and character development and we finally get introduced to Kavanaugh who already cements himself as a powerful antagonist.
the politica
I’m so annoyed that I didn’t see this eppy in one sitting but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s so unbelievably good, there’s literally nothing I can really say in a short intro other than mentioning that Kavanaugh is incredible and this is such a thrillingly apparent step up in quality
I can’t describe how hyped i am to rewatch. This is such a perfect episode and in my top 5 season openers ever along with 6x1. Til kingdom come in the last few minutes is such a fucking goated music choice.
I’m already loving it, first episode and this is fantastic, best season premiere yet, love the little time jumps, new characters, new plot lines, Forrest Whitaker is SO FUCKING GOOD already and it’s been 1 episode, this is going to be good
Already starting off so fucking strong
Possibly a top 10-8 season opener I’ve seen, was going to a rate it a 4.5 but honestly fuck it I’m changing this to a 5 star mid review 😭
Kavanaugh’s introduction 😩 HE IS FINALLY HERE! I am not exaggerating when I say I’ve never been more excited for someth
What an amazing premiere, the riot scenes were so well done
Let out a little squeal when I saw Kavanaugh for the first time
Hopefully this season lives up to the hype 🙏
Best season opener of the show by a mile and the pilot doesn't compete. Establishes the 2-3 main conflicts that will run for either the whole season or part of it, shows us in detail what has changed and where the story is headed, and brings in Mr finger. What more could you ask for.
I've heard a lot of things about the characters and how good this season is but thankfully no spoilers. I expected Kavanaugh to be a criminal rather than on the police side of things but I'm guessing he's also dirty because he's hyped so much 🤔. The vibe of this season is already incredible though.
THIS IS HOW YOU OPEN A SEASON SO GOOD, I love the way the show uses its needle drops and I'm so excited to see how Kauvanaugh plays out this season because my god Forest Whitaker in just a couple minutes of screen time just commands so much presence and you can tell that he's having fu
Kavanaugh 😈
Til kingdom come was the perfect song to end this episode, I can’t describe how excited I am for S5-7 of this show 🙏
This season bout to be an all timer…