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House (2004)
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Reviews for House

immediately forgetting the main plot of any episode that also features house and wilson being gay in their gay little apartment

S06 E13 · 5 to 9
house and wilson have definitely had the NASTIEST prank wars

i love taub whenever he talks im like heehee so true babygirl

S06 E13 · 5 to 9
following cuddy for an episode reminds the audience how insane house is


god i love u domestic hilson

I’m back to loving Foreman again

Random house and Wilson subplots are the best

Cuddy i could treat you so much better. Leave that little boy. How long do we have to wait till you realise you’re not into men?

S06 E13 · 5 to 9
chase looking so interested in house and wilson silly little fights im crying also domestic hilson cured my depression

lucas does a little trolling. hilson domestic antics are the best episodes by default. foreman and marcus reconnecting absolutely yanked at my heart

S06 E13 · 5 to 9

they are literally married

Cuddy centric episode. I used to pray for times like this and IT WAS SO GOOD. Like actually really stressful too, as everything was going to shit with only Cuddy trying there and trying to fix things. Like her babysitter is missing, her job is on the line. It's just crazy that this is a bad day for

S06 E13 · 5 to 9
okayyy I had a great time watching the pranks

I hate Lucas & I’ll die on that hill - bro is not as suave as he thinks he is/tries so hard to be, it’s a bad vibe honestly

Amazing episode for Cuddy 9/10

They should make a TV show with just House and Wilson’s prank wars bc I’d eat that up

shes so gaslight, gatekeep and girlboss + i'm so happy they got rid of the fugly bangs

Fuck everyone else I just care about Wilson and House

S06 E13 · 5 to 9
CUDDY EPISODE YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

S06 E13 · 5 to 9
love a cuddy-centric episode <3 was lowkey on edge with her, like why was i panicking for issues that were not at all mine

how long house and wilson don't get married each other?

S06 E13 · 5 to 9
i love hilson