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The Walking Dead (2010)
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Reviews for The Walking Dead

'there's walkers in the barn and lori's pregnant.' that's it, that's season two.

This episode was okay, nothing really escalated or happened, but Rick did find out Lori was pregnant. I’m sorry Lori is just super unlikeable 💀 Maggie sends so many signals to Glenn it even be confusing me , poor guy 😭 Also Shane and Andrea is a weird ass match. Love Dale and Glenn’s dynamic.

S02 E06 · Secrets
Shane packing fs cause why you grabbing it like that

The first half of this episode was pretty okay but the back half was so good the character drama is just so well written and well acted.

S02 E06 · Secrets
they’re in the woooods

S02 E06 · Secrets
every interaction between glenn and maggie is literally putting me on the verge of tears, they really mean everything to me it’s a bit embarrassing really

S02 E06 · Secrets
cant stand the shane and andrea scene whyd she grab it like that 😭

S02 E06 · Secrets
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"I know what kind of man you are" "That is my best friend. That's the man that I love. I love him like he's my brother." Peak scene that Meme alert😭😭 I'm out here pointing my screen like im Leo DiCaprio in OUATIH

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S02 E06 · Secrets
They’re in the woooods

S02 E06 · Secrets
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Solid Episode

S02 E06 · Secrets
They’re in the woods

S02 E06 · Secrets
The sexual tension between Dale and Shane 8.4

S02 E06 · Secrets
glenn is too pure for this world

"I know what kind of man you are" Dale is literally a King!!! Maggie giving Glenn a wakeup call is exactly what he needed and those last five minutes. Bloody hell, this next episode is going to be great

S02 E06 · Secrets
Maggie and Glen my favs 🫂

S02 E06 · Secrets
Shane is really a good teacher of how to shoot Shane’s look when they’re in the car… Dale wants Andrea so bad The ending was really good Gleen is a life saver “Don’t give me that gangster shit” T-Dog saying that… Hope that they’ll find Sophia ‘cause Carol is really suffering

I feel bad for rick man...#TeamRick all the way. And finally someone stood up to Shane. Kudos to Dale!

S02 E06 · Secrets
andrea is just cringe , the obsession with guns i’m not getting it wow lori ur a cunt glenn maggie goals

S02 E06 · Secrets
"I know what kind of man you are" Dale is such a peak character Please tell me that Shane dies he's so annoying

S02 E06 · Secrets
8.2/10 They're in the woooods

Great ep, “I know what kind of man u are”🥶🥶- Dale. Andrea suddenly gaining deadeye was funny ash tho☠️😭