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The Walking Dead (2010)
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Reviews for The Walking Dead

Seasons 1-5: a great post apocalyptic story with a group being challenged by the undead and despicable humans. It has some flaws such as a few pacing issues and can be somewhat repetitive but overall a fantastic story. Seasons 6-8: a steady and unfortunate decline in quality with a few highs but du

This series is like a chewing gum. When you put it in your mouth it tastes good and new. So you keep chewing until the gum taste is gone and you have that bland, tasteless taste in your mouth. Sometimes you accidentally discover a new spot where some flavor is left, but most of it has been lost. An

This show used to be one of the best things on TV. And that season 7 premiere is one of the greatest episodes of any television show ever. After that it just plummeted.

Words can’t explain how much I love this show and how this show is the best show of all time. I love this show soo much and it’s a masterpiece. S1-S8 and S11 are the peaks of The Walking Dead but S9 and S10 are still pretty good, just not as good as S1-S8 and S11. I really love the characters in thi

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Walking dead season 1 was phenomenal. I loved the way they built the world in such a short amount of episodes, I’m a real sucker for zombies so this was a real good treat. The cast is very good, although most characters haven’t really had the time to develop, but it’s obvious what characters will s

daryl flinching at carol leaning down to kiss his head when he was hurt… i’m cool everything is awesome

I don’t think I’ll ever watch something like the walking dead ever again. Watching this show was the most enjoyable few months I’ve ever had watching television. I enjoyed every second of it. Everything about it is perfect in my eyes from the characters, emotion, symbolism, depth, acting, just ever

The Walking Dead is in its peak this season, more specifically the second half. This season was so brilliant and amazing, and the climax was PERFECT. This season had it all, big deaths, huge action sequences, character development, new cast, EVERYTHING. This season mastered the art of character dev

The Walking Dead continues to be a very a good show of its genre. There never seems to be a bad episode or a boring hour of television. Although this season was very good, I do believe it was a slight step down from the previous season. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the landscape of the prison, but I

A couple of good episodes, but overall, another inconsistent and mid season.

Wouldn't say that s7 was bad, but it was so much less interesting and engaging than the previous seasons? Took me 2 fucking years to finish. Jeffrey Dean Morgan is pretty awesome tho.

I can’t see this show having a better season than this tbh

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Not sure if this is actually better than s7, maybe I just needed a short (2 year long 🙈🙈) break, but I'm definitely starting to enjoy this show again, which I honestly didn't expect. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

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Very good first season. Though sloppy at times, mostly with some weak acting among the cast that balances out with some great acting from the main set of characters, some poor CGI, while also having pretty alright dialogue, the season has its ups and downs in its short run. It works perfectly as a s

Pumping out my season reviews for seasons 5-7 after putting it off for a while. Season 5 I believe is the most interesting season of the show. Mostly because of the drastic quality difference between the first half and the 2nd half. Season 5 starts strong, the first 3 episodes are so fucking good

I’ve been watching TWD since July 2024 so I think it’s safe to say that TWD was like a pregnancy to me. -Almost 9 months stuck with it -I can finally get rid of it -Excited at first but it gets more painful as it goes on -When I wanted to abort it, it was too late already That would be all. Thanks f

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Very good season 1. Great intro, sc and Rick is alr good. Hope it will get even better

Definitely a step down from last season

Apparently this is a hot take, but... We are so back (to mid).

Honestly, I am just relieved and delighted that 'The Walking Dead' was able to give us a decent final season all things considered.