Near goes to Japan, allegedly as bait for Kira. Following Light's instructions, Takada asks Mikami to send her five pages of the Death Note. She tells him that he will continue his work in a fake book made to look like the real one.
Worst of the show easily. This show is getting so repetitive tbh, just seems like nothing is really happening and they’re just doing random shit. Misa is such an insufferable and cringeworthy character I fucking hate her. “You’re wearing a skirt in the middle of the winter that’s basically an invita
Is Mikami dumb or does he know what he’s doing?😭Isn’t it supposed to be a fake book tho?
Worst ep ofthe show so far, cringe fight between Misa and Takada
They go around too much with nothing concret happening tbh
No.... just no
Worst in the show
Misa 🤤
Misa 🤤
Light 🤤
@Fuck this piece of shit. You hear me? I'm done. Put my life on the line. My fuckin' life! Fuck family, fuck loyalty. You cost them a dime; you're fuckin' done. I gave that fuck pieces of
probably the worst episode in the show. how did near know mikami was 'kira'? why was every scene with misa so ass? (tbh that's not that confusing)
why did mikami not use the fake death note?
what is going on rn😭 not a great episode
low 5/10
The Misa and Takada scenes in this episode were really annoying. The other moments weren’t actually that bad in my opinion and I liked the split screen shots they had with Light and Near at the beginning. The weakest episode of the show so far, but still decent.
What the hell happened to Misa? She went from being a ditzy but charming sidekick to Light to a dull, unfunny gag character. If the show can’t give her anything meaningful to do, they might as well write her out.