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Saturday Morning All Star Hits! (2021)
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Reviews for Saturday Morning All Star Hits!

uh…subs? is so funny for no reason

90s nostalgia with current comedy is the thing i didn’t know i needed. there’s a peace and less intense environment that exists in this universe i really envy and wish was true of our current age. the way so many of the cartoons played into each other and later the irl scenes was really well done im

I love the way how the shows are used to tell the big overall story. Also it has great rewatchability, it just gets better every time.

Watched the first two and didn’t love it but i’m glad i gave it another chance. I didn’t love the ending there were 2 twists and one of them was so unnecessary. Not perfect but the highs are really high. One of the most creative shows ive seen


Kyle Mooney was born to make this show I stg. A Saturday morning cartoon block/found footage hybrid that builds a continuing story so well with so much variety and constantly ridiculous and accurate early 90s cartoon and media concepts. Is this show doing well? I hope so

i wasnt able to live life in the 90s but watching this show gave me that opportunity to :,D

Never quite becomes the masterpiece it should have been. The show starts with fantastic parodies and kinda boring live action segments and those to slowly switch places throughout. I sat through the slow, mediocre later parody segments because I thought that the story was really going somewhere. The

I don't know why more people haven't seen this. It's hilarious! If you grew up watching 90s cartoons you will love this.

Quirky and fun, but slighlty uneven.

"i was just trying to make you laugh." another piece of evidence that kyle mooney should have been born a cartoon character. okay, but seriously, i was not expecting to like this so much. i assumed it'd be a more hodge-podge culmination of cartoons and live action that fueled mooney's own love of

Imagina que tienes 5-12 años en los 1980s, es sábado por la mañana y quieres ver caricaturas. Aquí entra S.M.A.S.H. (por sus siglas), un programa parodia nuevo de Netflix que busca hacerte sentir en los 80s de nuevo con mini secciones de caricaturas originales medio depresivas y otras cosillas, y lo

I love Strongimals

Soo good cant wait for season two….there better be a season two Lorne!!!

Series Review: Saturday Morning All Star Hits! Weird. . . . I liked it. Abbreviated as SMASH, Saturday Morning All Star Hits follows the VHS recordings of the self titled Saturday morning cartoon block, which sees not only the airing of episodes from multiple cartoon shows, but also the changing r

this is my kind of humor.