Pretty underwhelming. Han Hyo Joo carried. LOVED Park Hyung-Sik in SWDBS so I was pretty excited to see him here. His comedic timing was pretty good but that was all that there was to it. The big bad villain was pretty underwhelming too ):
ela assistindo em loop minha bixinha
ele se fingindo de doente p morder os outro n se aguento esse homem tem q m*rr*r
nossa pf todo mundo desse prédio suma imediatamente
eu n aguento q a série toda eh bem muita violência e eles censuram a faca kkkk essa coreia e
Well... that was disappointing. 70% of this episode does not feel like a finale and the other 30% are some of the most rushed writings I've ever seen. What a shame that all the huge potential this show had went all to waste 😮💨