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Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake (2023)
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Reviews for Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake

prepare to be absolutely SICK of me i’m gonna need that bmo clock gumball and marshall coffee shop au <333 they better be together too


So, if you know me, you'd know that lately I've become rather cynical of the current media landscape and its inability to let anything end. Everything we once loved is usually given some kind of continuation that exists basically for fanservice and to cash in on a recognizable IP rather than to tell

The Fiona and Cake episodes were some of my least favourite episodes in Adventure Time, just felt pointless, they weren’t really their own characters but this series really fleshes them out and sets them apart from their counterparts which I love, they still have Finn and Jake elements but they are

Realistically a 4 star but my own bias will not let me rate it anything lower than 5 stars

High 4.5 --- I HAVE OFFICIALLY FINISHED EVERYTHING FROM THE BIG 3 OF CN ---- Shows ranked: Regular Show (#2 show) > Adventure Time (#7 show) > The Amazing World of Gumball (#13 show and #1 comedy) Best season: #1 Regular show Season 7 (5/5) Worst: #28 Darwin's Yearbook (1.5/5) Best episode: A R

“You were a wonderful experience.” 
“You were…everything.” 

The trailer looks so good this better deliver 😭

Such a great season very different to the original show but I still really really liked it. Simon my goat 🐐 Cant believe im done with adventure time 😭😭😭

The fact Adventure Time’s legacy continues to live on thanks to absolutely fantastic spin-offs like this and Distant Lands makes me so unbelievably happy, as someone who grew up with the original show and continues to hold it in such a high regard. The way this expands upon and deepens the lore of

this show will be my new personality, just a warning

They weren't joking when they said a fun that never ends, it's Adventure Time.

This miniseries was very entertaining, I enjoyed almost every episode (Ep 1 was kinda mid ngl). Tbh, a good spin-off to the Adventure Time Universe, but I still think that Distant Lands is better. Simon really surprised me as a character, he was actually amazing in some episodes. Well, Adventure Tim

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Loved this so much absolutely love Simon’s character his conclusion here is amazing. it was very cool seeing the different worlds that were all interesting

me when stories about deliberately choosing the full messy spectrum of the human experience rather than your wildest fairytale fantasies 😢😭🤧😮‍💨🤯

simon and betty are the only straight couple ever

Sweet! Despite having a glittery multiverse-spanning action plot, Fionna & Cake's strengths lie in individual arcs and down-to-earth emotional moments that made the OG characters memorable in the first place. In terms of atmosphere and pacing, those first two eps got it so right - I'm not sure it ev

Despite being a short journey, so much happened, so much to discuss and analyze. I will be rewatching constantly. As an Adventure Time fan this is a dream come true, but also as a singular work of art this is just absolutely incredible. It embodies all things I love about AT while also offering a co

100% canonized

Surprisingly dark and gruesome, with each episode managing to leave my jaw on the floor every time the credits rolled. Definitely not what I expected going in, but this was incredibly rewarding as a longtime Adventure Time fan.

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really great show, one of the best in modern animation in fact. I love how adventure time matures and changes with the audience. Give me more

as an avid Adventure Time fan, who grew up watching new episodes as they came out, wrote fanfic contiuations of the story after it ended, and still rewatches this show every year, it makes me so fucking happy that the show's legacy continues to live on and we still get actual content that furthers t