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La Brea (2021)
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Reviews for La Brea

Holy shit this sucks ass

Its a really cool and promising start looking forward to the rest of the series. Just hope it delivers.

As someone said, so bad it is good. I realised that although I have never been a scifi fan; many of the most exciting views I have had are from scifi shows so thought I would give this another chance. It is actually a pretty fun ride, so I'm eager to try all seasons. Will try and give some more tras

S01 E01 · Pilot
it's nothing new but I'm kinda intrigued

Not a great start to the show. The acting is terrible and I dislike the characters. 5.7/10

viéndola pk mi pá la está viendo y quiero hacerle compañía jaja

Je me lance enfin dans cette série après qu’on me l’ai proposé plusieurs fois et pour l’instant j’aime beaucoup ! J’ai très hâte de voir la suite !

My mum decides to start watching the worst shows. Way too much bloom, the credits are horribly placed, the cgi and green screen look terrible and it’s so boring

it caught me!

Not even through the first episode yet and the bad acting and the fact that everything is so fast paced makes it so hard to watch but i have to force myself to finish this first episode at least Also why are their kids so tall


Comecei a ver esta série em 2021 em um site qualquer quando saiu porque um dos atores (Eoin Macken) é dos meus preferidos. No entanto, parei por volta do 5° episódio. Hoje, descobri que estava disponível na HBO MAX e voltei a assistir, do início pois já não me lembrava de nada. Mesmo com todas as cr

los efectos 😭😭😭😭

- falling into a sink while with a dab pen is probably the best case senecio -Its giving manifest

S01 E01 · Pilot
os efeitos 😭😭😭😭


"I really loved the concept of the series. The first episode sets the stage for the entire show, and it seems like it will be great."

S01 E01 · Pilot
Got teary eyed over the sinkhole and everything collapsing ?? definitely starting my period soon …. 😂