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Sonny Boy (2021)
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Reviews for Sonny Boy

Sonny Boy is about a class of students who are taken from their world and brought to a new one mysteriously. In a way this show is looking at these people who escape reality and question whether it’s worth going back or staying. This is the most unique show I’ve ever watched. I don’t think any othe

Another pretty good 12 episode anime. If you’re looking for a more in depth analysis though, look elsewhere in this review section. I’m grateful that there are some people on this app able to explain this show quite well. I’m just here to say that even though I felt lost watching this at times, it w

Nothing special

I still remember the feeling after finishing the original evangelion series. I can still recall the raw emotions of confusion yet utter vulnerability the finale illustrated. Sonny Boy does the impossible task of almost matching that feeling. I cried. I laughed. I felt connected to these characters i

jesus fucking christ dude i will never forget this show

Not sure if it’s perfect but it feels so essential to the coming of age genre. It’s a grand journey that feels so rewarding the further you get in to it. Music specifically is top notch. There’s just something about this that just gets experiences in my life that I didn’t fully understand as they we

Peak television. Genuine art from the director of One Punch Man season 1 that shows the insanity that can be achieved when we let creators enjoy creating, carte blanche. In its episodically-presented, wildly diverse array of topics, I believe I must've died and gone to heaven a dozen times over, onc

Just as good on a second watch. There are definite things I can understand people not liking it for. I think a lot of the depth is very implicit and I also think the shows presentation of its themes is far more impactful than the actual detail of its characters themselves. A lot of this has to do

Shoutout to @jubbls and @jaewoo for inspiring me to check out this fascinating series (and sorry for taking forever to finish it). Sonny Boy is definitely not for everyone, but I sure loved it! This is like Lost meets Lain with a sprinkle of Space Dandy’s creativity, and it’s great! But honestly

I had high expectations for this, but nothing could've prepared me for just how much I would love it and relate to it. Such a beautiful show

É o Christopher Nolan levado aos extremos. Sonny Boy é disparado o anime mais difícil que eu vi e também o que eu menos gostei. Eu gosto de obras complexas ou estranhas que, de algum modo, me gera uma curiosidade, porém, aqui isso não aconteceu em momento algum. A obra quis ser exageradamente difíci

Ig the words not gonna be enough to talk about this one, so all am gonna say it's just "SUBSTANTIAL"!!

After a certain point i just gave up on understanding anything that I was watching, which really sucks because so many people seem to love this show. I checked it out because of it's high reviews but idk if I feel the same. Sonny Boy is a very well made show, and the easiest thing I can praise about

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i think the plot was really good .. i think, i didn’t really know what was going on but the ending was good and i’ll rewatch again to understand

This happened to my buddy Eric

what can i say.. hmm its different, unexpected, beautiful style, amazing ost but very confusing. You do feel connected to characters, i really liked the main trio. Side characters were alright too. Some eps were great, i really liked the eps with heavy yapping by some characters. Other than that,

Wow, what a show. It’s kind of hard to describe the feeling I have after finishing this series which doesn’t surprise me because so much of the show is purposely indescribable. An absolute mind fuck. But not in the way that’s arrogantly trying to condescend its audience. It’s one of those shows wher

With such a loose narrative I really figured out to stop caring as to what’s really going on lol. All I’ll recall with this show looking back is the delicate, silent and beautiful depictions of humanity and it’s endless baggage. Truly truly life affirming piece of art almost made a grown man cry.

speechless. (we will be rewatching soon)

“Our lives are only beginning. What lies ahead will take just a little longer.” Abstract, perplexing, and indirect. These characteristics are what make the conversation around this so divisive. To me, this disorientation is Sonny Boy’s strength. At its core, Sonny Boy is meant to be confusing as it

very complicated anime to follow but has alot of beautiful scenes and deep meaning in every message they deliver but still alot of things remained a mystery

This was such a beautiful experience to the thoughts we have as humans , deeply scattered but shared is amazing.

I know I can't change the world. But this is the world that I chose.