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S01 E01
Poster for Echo: Miniseries
Jan 9 2024 • 51m
After her mother's tragic death, young Maya is forced to leave her hometown of Tamaha, Oklahoma, and move to New York City where she meets Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin, who raises her to be a ruthless assassin. After learning that Fisk had her father killed, Maya kills Kingpin and flees NYC.


Ngl, I was not hyped for this show at all, but the first episode was kinda fire.

Even though half of it was just a Hawkeye recap, the good parts were pretty good, the daredevil fight was quite epic, at least this feels a bit different then the other shows

This first episode was actually quite enjoyable, Maya’s backstory was great, got to see my boy Matt Murdock, can’t wait to see what else this series produces. Also that switch of the noise where we hear nothing through Maya’s perspective then switching to what the actual sound is, That’s awesome.

Marvel Bros™ stop riding Cox challenge (impossible).

That one shot fight scene was so good yall. I’m hype.

It's a messy pilot, trying to figure out its own way, away from the Hawkeye show, and its own pace. We explore native american legends and Maya's origin, we get a recap of the Hawkeye show and some clues of what is coming. It seems like they patched a lot of different stuff into one episode, trying

That Daredevil fight was so good omg???

👌🏻64% Did they really have to use CGI for the Daredevil fight?

Just watching this because of Fisk since Daredevil Born Again comes out next week, also because it's short. Apart from the fact that a large part from the ep is basically a recap of Hawkeye ( ngl I didn't really remember anything from that show) this first ep was surprisingly decent, nothing very g

I'm doing my best to watch all the recent marvel series, but this first chapter the plot didn't catch my attention and the chapter was very long, I'm going to watch the next ones....

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That huge fight scene was peak, the rest is eh, written a bit weird at times but a decent watch

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Weird pacing, shows promise

What a great start, it was very sublime to see Daredevil, Hawkeye and of course Kingpin.

They really tricked me into watching half a episode of a hawkeye recap by giving me a cool ass fight scene with Matt midway through

I liked that one shot fight scene but that's it.

DAREDEVIL IS BACK BABY WHOOOO!! That fight was cool as hell.

when it’s good, it’s really good (five minute long take i’m looking at you) but the pacing and story of this episode was really wonky and just kinda off definitely has potential for the rest of the series tho

2/10 i literally can’t be surprised anymore

really liked that fight scene but the pacing felt a bit off.

Will never not fanboy over seeing Kingpin and Daredevil, they are my G.O.A.T.s Really love the long takes of the fights, especially Daredevil and Maya's fight and I also like that we got to feel what she was feeling during that fight This pilot was alright, half of it was Hawkeye recap with some s

This episode just verifies how my time with the mcu is over. I don't give a shit about anything that goes on in it or how the world grows. Even having Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio does nothing for me. It's by all means not a totally bad episode, it's just practically a Hawkeye recap reel and th

Mostly recap